WS Jewelry - Free Jewelry WooCommerce WordPress theme

Item Description

WS Jewelry is a Responsive Jewelry WooCommerce WordPress theme designed to present the jewels such as bracelets, necklaces, earrings or rings in an alluring way. Coming back in a brand new appearance from the latest update, WS Jewelry has a simple, but powerful and flexible design, which is also a jewelry creation core, stressing the luxury of your business brand. High-quality images of the product appear overall on the page in an eye-catching way to catch customers’ looks and attention. WS Jewelry is extremely responsive that adapts to the screen resolution of all mobile devices – smartphones, tablets, and desktops. Besides, you can drag-drop layout content and change anything you want to make the site look more beautiful. Support your business and help it grow with a professional web presence!

Jewelry WooCommerce WordPress Theme Features

100% design in template supports mobile/tablet devices, it means you have good layout and style in mobile/tablet devices instead of using default layout on the desktop. So, your customers can easy to observe your products and the contents of your website on their phones or tablets.

Jewelry Wordpress mobile theme

Compatible with Elementor

With Elementor page builder, you edit the page and simultaneously see exactly how it looks like. Elementor features live design & inline editing, so the whole process of writing and designing is done directly on the page, with no need to press update or go to preview mode.

Jewelry Wordpress framework

eCommerce solution by WooCommerce

The world's favorite eCommerce solution that gives you complete control to sell anything, powers over 30% of all online stores, WooCommece plugin gives you the control to sell anything, anywhere, simple, and very flexible to extend.

Jewelry Wordpress solution

Start selling now building a perfect shop

WS Jewelry is completely decked out with a set of classy shop lists & singles, allowing you to gorgeously display your products & to set up the functional shopping cart in a flash.

  • Compatible with WooCommerce
  • Filter by price & category
  • Enable product rating & reviews

Jewelry free theme

The Product Page

Physical or Digital products, Sell Anything, Anywhere. Whether it be t-shirts in all their shapes and sizes, music files or software. Even affiliated products from a marketplace. It's all possible.

Jewelry Product Page

Item Name:
WS Jewelry

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Templates Club
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Price starting from $74.00