Joomla Extension AS Menu - Item Support

In the "Menu Options" tab, what are valid "Animation Speed"s that can be entered?
Many thanks, Travis
I am planning to use Joomla 3 and one of your templates which uses the AS Menu to build a multi-lingual site. I would like to make it like that the user is able to choose which language he/she wants to display the page in. I got all this done, but it does not seem like that the AS menu with multiple languages is working together. Can you confirm what I am saying? It does not look like I can link the module under the menu manager, I can only link plane menus and not your custom menu to two different modules using different languages.
Is posible change the type of menu items from all lowercase for sentence type?

Ex: home = Home

where may I change that?
Hi, don't worry I fixed!!
Hi! I have purchased template 002041. Cannot get As Menu to work. Blank page as soon as I publish menu in as-position-1. If I publish on position-1 menu doesn`t show. SEF off, clean install J2.5 with demo-content.
Hello YANDEX100,
What is your site url please?

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, i purchased a template with this menu, but didnt look nearly than the demo :(
Have you installed the template using quick-start installation package? After installing it your site will look exact like our demo preview.

Regards, AS Team.
Ho to use this extension on a multi lingual site?
BR Horst
ich benutze das as template 2031 free und das as menu free und habe das problem das es in der mobilen version das as menu nicht mehr angezeigt wird. liegt es daran das es die freeversion ist?

I´ve tested template 002035 with free ASMenu extension - it was fine. After purchasing and install the premium-package incl. extensions - ASMenu looks very small squeezed, the roll over buttons are only squeezed and on active site visible.
I´m using Joomla 3.3. stable (since change free version - premium package, nothing else changed/installed). After deinstallation of purchased version of ASMenu and reinstallation of free version it looks like demo preview (=fine). Quick installation package is no option for me - where could be the problem?

Greetings, Chris

problem with squeezed ASMenu in template AS002035 solved after intensiv search: css-files of ASMenu in the file seems to be corrupt (also after re-download, can you check css-Files of as_menu in the of premium packgae? ) - solution: css files from ASMenu in quickstart-package uploaded - all fine.
But an other problem: title of submenus are only lowercase fontstyle, in german language i need first character upper case - how can i solve this (aliases of the articles changed -via direct edit in mySQL Database- into uppercase (via Joomla 3.3. backend seems not possible))?

Thank you, Chris
Hello CHRIS0815,
What is your site url please, we have to see the source code.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, how can I do to show correctly the ASMenu in IE8?

I want to do what SkyAngel was trying.

Is posible change the type of menu items from all lowercase for sentence type?

Ex: home = Home

where may I change that?"

I want to to change from all lower to normal.

How will I do that?
What is your site url please?

Regards, AS Team.
how to change the menu items from all uppercase to sentence type?

Ex: HOME = Home

I searched the css-files for "text-transform:". I can only change all the other items (breadcrumbs, article titles, etc) but the menu items.

My Page is running offline on my computer, so I can't give any url.
It looks the same as the AS002066 sample page, since I installed the sample template data.

Thanks for you help!

You can change it in the extension css file: modules/mod_as_menu/css/ext.default.css file, the following class:

#as-menu > li > a,
#as-menu > li > span
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
color: #F7F7F7;
display: block;
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
height: 20px;
line-height: 20px;
padding: 27px 1em;
text-transform: uppercase;

Regards, AS Team.

I have the premium version of the AS Menu. I would like the change the font color in the menu. It is now a red color, I would like it to be orange. How can I change that?

When I try to change "Font Color" and "Hover font coler" in the menu options to orange, it still stays the color red.

What is your site url please, probably your template rewrites menu settings.

Regards, AS Team.
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Item Name:
AS Menu
Item Version:
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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