Joomla Extension AS Superfish Menu - Item Support

Not all our templates comes with demo quick-start package, only selected.

Regards, AS Team.
I got your module from "JOOMLA! TEMPLATE 002085".

There is an error in modules/mod_as_superfish_menu/tmpl/default_separator.php on line 25 which breaks html validity. I corrected it to:

?><span class="separator_<?php echo html_entity_decode($item->title); ?>"><?php echo html_entity_decode($linktype); ?></span>

instead of

?><span class="separator"<?php echo html_entity_decode($item->title); ?>><?php echo html_entity_decode($linktype); ?></span>

please consider doing something similar. :)
Hola amigos As-Template, donde puedo conseguir un manual de as superfish menu
quisiera saber las opciones de clases para cambiar la apariencia del menu...


Fernando Sotomayor
Hello, the option "Submenu on Click" doesn't work for me when activated (I'm using the template 2074). How to do please ? Because for the mobile version, the onHover isn't practical at all... Thanks.
Do you have any idea why the as superfish menue does`nt work on in iPhone in Joomla v4? (see
Thank you for responce.
Now it works. I did an update and everythings fine yet.
Hello AS-Template-Team,
i have bought AS Superfish Menu as extension for your template 002085. Design and functionality are great but the AS Superfish Menu doesn't work on our website on iPhone unfortunately. What can i do?
Best regards!
Please download the latest template package from your AS account and reinstall

Regards, AS Team.
Hello all,
we bought the template 002085 and changed the website from Joomla 3 to 4- unfortunately the SuperFish Menue does not work - before everything was fine.
We have deleted the old template and reinstalled - the menu does not work.
We uninstalled the module and reinstalled the version "" provided in the tempate.
Unfortunately it does not work.
What can we do?
For checking this issue we need an access to your Joomla admin panel please.

Regards, AS Team.
We purchased and upgrade template AS002055 in prep for upgrading to Joomla 5 from 3. Template is fine but I am guessing we have to use Superfish menu instead of the old one. I installed the superfish menu and configured the settings to match our old ASMenu module. However when we activate it on the site it doesn't display like the old one did even though the module suffix is entered properly. Dev URL is

You will see the two menus stacked on top of each other but the top one is superfish.
In regard to the previous post, I already upgraded to J4 so I had to disable the old AS Menu. If you need to see it running the original live site is The AS Superfish menu at
is not loading the old styling. The Module Suffix is set to "superfish navigation"
We are sorry, we do not see any purchased items under your account, our support is available for the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
*You must Sign In or Sign Up to discuss this item.
Item Name:
AS Superfish Menu
Item Version:
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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