Joomla Extension AS Sequence Slider - Item Support

as it is done so that the menu is over the slider
I think there is a conflict between the css of this extension and the css which is already included in the template css? How to solve this?
Sorry, your question is too general, we think you have to check the css you have added to your template.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, I mean that there are 2 conflicting files sequence.css for the sequence slider:
- sequence.css in the template css (e.g. your template nr. 002083)
- sequence.css in the css-folder of the extension itself
There is cannot be conflict between these files, the sequence.css file from the template has higher priority, it overrides all css classes from the extension css file.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Support,
the correct url for the pictures are like this ?
For me it is not working. Thanks for your help. Andreas
Can you please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel for checking this issue? The access info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
You can stop the DJ module and test the AS.
Best regards
You do not have any articles with images like it is required in the documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
hello. can you put a tutorial or video on how to use this AS Sequence Slider. I think it will help a lot.
The documentation you can preview here:

Regards, AS Team.

I experience some problems since i recreate my astemplated site on 1&1 server, especially with as sequence slider. First, in mobile version, textual content on slides with readmore has disappered. In the desktop version, some white or black spaces disconnect my modules on the home page. You can see my website online, as
Hello FRED112211,
The slider text content and read more button are hidden on mobile devices, mobile devices do not have enough space for it.

For the template support please use the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi I have a little problem. Under my slider is fat gray line how to disable it?
I try to add a Background under the Article Title and Content like this Website:
can you please tell me how i can do this?
Unfortunately your club subscription does not include our support as indicated here:

You might want to upgrade your membership to get our competently free support, you may ask for upgrade here:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

I'm willing to get the slider sorted by "Publish Date" in a descending order (latest articles first). But it seems that it's not working properly. It seems that it will show the oldest articles. This doesn't make any sense in my opinion. Will you add a "ascending/descending" option in the nearer future?

Best Regards
Hi AS team,

I recently purchased one of you templates and it is all working fine, except for the sequence slider. I did follow all the steps, in the how-to, but the sequence slider is providing the images in the top left corner of the module, with a lot of white space. Is there any requirement with regards to e.g. image sizes or anything specific?

What is your website url please?

Regards, AS Team.
hello dear friend, i have question, in my template 002090 i use sequence slider, but under 480px resultion i dont see them, where can i found solution for this problem.
Thank you.
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Item Name:
AS Sequence Slider
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This item may be used for a single domain only.
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