Joomla! Template AT Rugby - Checkout

Original item price: $39.00

Sale price: $29.25
The item may be used for unlimited domains.

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Item Name:
AT Rugby
Item Version:
Joomla and WordPress Templates

About Joomla! Template AT Rugby

AT Rugby is a Responsive Sport Joomla template which is well designed for promoting football clubs on website, especially for Rugby – popular kind of football in America. This amazing American Football Joomla template has been designed with experienced developers with knowledge of football, so you will see this template in the best quality and profession look. Having full features and modern design, it is absolutely possible and convenient for you to update all activities and show off new records of the team. Besides, this user-friendly AT Rugby is also equipped with drop-down menus, back to top button, which are for giving visitors the best website experience. Going with this theme, you will get all free photos and well-organized content with Google maps, web fonts, etc. Especially, your site can earn more traffic from mobile user with outstanding responsive layout which adapts with any screen sizes of PC and mobile device. Shouldn’t waste your time going around and find another better, let’s go with AT Rugby now!