Joomla! Template LT Sound - Checkout

Original item price: $39.00

Sale price: $29.25
The item may be used for unlimited domains.

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Item Name:
LT Sound
Item Version:
Joomla and WordPress Templates

About Joomla! Template LT Sound

Generate a music world and attract a lot of music lovers to entertain or relax with the wonderful audios/ music videos/ music concerts via LT Sound Joomla Template now!

Are you working in the entertainment sector, especially music? Do you want to bring your music products to approach more audiences to increase your sales effectively? If your answer is yes, it’s necessary for you to build a website with LT Sound Joomla Template to implement your targets easily. The first prominent point that LT Sound provides you is a completely responsive layout with Bootstrap CSS, thus your site interface is always vivid and impressive on all kinds of screens, from smartphone screens to PCs ones. In addition, as this joomla template is developed based on Helix Ultimate Framework combined with SP Page Builder, it’s time for you to design your site without much technical knowledge requirements. Some main useful features include Megamenu Generator, Compress JS/CSS code, Retina/Mobile logos, Google Fonts, Canvas Mobile Menu and more. Plus, if you want to change your site color, it’s not difficult and complicated thanks to multi-color styles feature. What’s more? The SP Simple Portfolio and K2 Blog are ready for you to display all the happy moments that the audience enjoyed the music and felt the beats with the high resolution images. In conclusion, LT Sound is one of the wonderful recommendations for you if you are finding an effective solution to increase your sales.