Joomla! Template 002083 - Checkout

The price for the item 002083 is $39.00
The item may be used for unlimited domains.

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Joomla and WordPress Templates

About Joomla! Template 002083

Does our template remind you the site of your dream? Excavator Mining Joomla template is a great option for those who want to build a stylish and functional business website.

The template is primarily intended for excavating, mining and tracking companies but it can be easily adjusted to suit any other business as well. A full-width header image slider is the perfect place to efficiently convey what your business is about. The template meets with high-resolution pics changing each other and immediately showing the power of your website. The content section is interactive and minimalist to put only the main information about your services and products. With this custom theme the customers will be able to reach your website from their smartphones as the content will automatically adjust to any screen resolution.