Joomla! Template LT BBQ - Checkout

Original item price: $39.00

Sale price: $29.25
The item may be used for unlimited domains.

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Joomla and WordPress Templates

About Joomla! Template LT BBQ

Creating an eye-catching website with many delicious barbecue, grill and other cuisine to attract more diners and increase your sales with LT BBQ Joomla Template now!

Are you a restaurant owner? Do you hope to engage many customers to taste the delicious food of your restaurant without much effort? If your answer is yes, why don’t you build a website with the help of LT BBQ? Firstly, this joomla template provides you a fully responsive layout with Bootstrap CSS, so your site appearance is always perfect on all kinds of mobile devices, from smartphones, tablets to PCs. Besides that, if you want to have a large number of editing functions to design your site in your own style, LT BBQ will support you to do that thanks to Helix Ultimate Framework and SP Page Builder, containing many dominant features, such as Compress JS/CSS, Retina/Mobile logos, Megamenu Generator, Mobile Menu, Google Fonts. What’s more? You are able to change the color of your site appearance with the help of a multi-color feature. It’s time for you to display all your kinds of cuisines with attached prices in an eye-catching interface as well as build and manage an online shopping system effectively. In conclusion, LT BBQ Joomla Template is an amazing recommendation for you to grab more diners to enjoy!