Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support


after installing i have this message:

Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/speiguva/domains/ on line 76

Best Regards,

Wich PHP version is need for this version of template?
What is the possibility hide or remove Welcome article from
Home site?
Where i can found default LOGO picture?
What is the possibility ad additional fonts?
I need different fonts in my site.

Best Regards,
It fully supports PHP version 7.2.14.
Our suggestion is to install this template using quick-start installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings, the package installation will save days of your time. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.
The package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, here you can find some more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Добрый день, на первой странице не грузится слайдер (показывает круг загрузки). Я пыталась создать новый материал- не грузится. После я попыталась заменить в исходном модуле фотографии, оригинальные фото показывает, но если я их заменяю в папке своими фото, на первой странице не грузится снова.
What is your website url please?

Regards, AS Team.
у меня сайт еще не опубликован. Работаю на denwer. Что именно прислать?
адрес сайта: http://localhost/mysite/administrator

We are sorry, we cannot preview your website on your localhost, did you install this template using quickstart installation package?

Regards, AS Team.
Все остальное работает.
In case to help you we have to see your website.

Regards, AS Team.
Я не знаю, как это сделать. Я только начала работать с шаблоном, я в принципе разобралась немного с Joomla (раньше я просто администрировала свой другой реальный сайт). А здесь я застряла и не знаю, что делать. Как вам открыть доступ?
There is no option to see your website on your localhost, we can preview it on live host only.

Regards, AS Team.
Добрый день, спасибо за ответ. С этим я разобралась. Еще вопрос- какой модуль отвечает за изображение черных полос вверху и внизу. Вверху мне нужно сменить логотип.
Спасибо большое за поддержку
It can be changed by editing css files. You can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Firefox Web Development tools or Firebug Lite for Google Chrome

Here you can find some info of using firebug tool:

Regards, AS Team.
New Jomla 3.9.6 + AS 002032 just bought.

1. Does not display the top menu (as-position-1), instead of rectangles with text is just a simple text.
2. Where to configure the "slider" (as-position-5), there is no such type of module.

I currently have an older version of AS002032 (joomla 1.7 / 2.5) and everything works ok there
Hello MAJU603,
There are a lot of changes done since Joomla 1.7/2.5. Joomla 3 moved to responsive bootstrap framework, as result the template was fully recreated, changed all module positions and files structure. It will not work just by replacing the previous template version.
Detailed change list you can preview here:

Regards, AS Team.

I was misunderstood
I just bought a new version of AS 002032, + new joomla, but it does not work properly.
1. Does not display the top menu (as-position-1) - no graphics, only simple words
2. there is no "slider" configuration menu (as-position-5)

I have a simple (like free) version?
How to fix it
Hello MAJU603,
You have to install it using quick-start installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings, the package installation will save days of your time. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.
The package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, here you can find some more info:

Regards, AS Team.
How to change background colour for menu in AS Superfish Menu? There is an "Submenu Background Color" in "SUBMENY LAYOUT" section there, buy.. not such for main menu...?!
Please, maybe someone forgot it to uncomment in the code :-) This missing option is strongly needed.
I have bought this template as it is the bestseller, but unfortunatelly there are issues, it doesn't work as you are showing in demo.
I have made very very simple page to show it:
There you can see described by me four issues.
You can use my admin panel (admin/Promost4321) - please repair the template - not just for me, but for all clients who bought it or is going to.
I was using previous version of this template, it was working great, but the current version stops my job and my client is very nervous...
Please help.
Hello ABRAMQ1,
You have to install it using quick-start installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings, the package installation will save days of your time. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.
The package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, here you can find some more info:

Regards, AS Team.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
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