Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support


No I didn't make any code changes, just created articles etc.

Good, so you have to uninstall the free version and then install a new.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi guys

is possible to have different slides on different pages without using another extension? (Seems to me not possible, but i prefer to be sure).
keep the excellent job!

Hi Prankster,
Yes, you are right, it's impossible.

Regards, AS Team.
When I create a Menu Item Alias and choose Home as the menu item, when it actually navigates to Home both Home and the menu name buttons (i.e. About Us) are darkened. Can you please tell me how to fix this?

I am using the forest color scheme of the template. I am using Joomla 1.7 and am working on this locally before I go live this weekend so I can't send a link but I could e-mail you a screenshot if you'll tell me where to e-mail you. I can't seem to find an e-mail address to contact you.

Thank you!
Hello TCouncil,
There is some problem with css, we have to see the source code, the screenshot will not help us.

Regards, AS Team.

I've installed a flash gallery called oziogallery and it works until I call it using the menu voice, but when I insert the plugin in an article it doesnt appear, but Firebug give me this code:

[iframe class=”autoHeight” width=”640” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0” allowtransparency=”true” marginwidth=”0px” src=”http://localhost:8888/cirelli/index.php?option=com_oziogallery3&view=02flashgallery&Itemid=134&tmpl=component” height=”21”]

As u can see the gallery is in the article and when I change by firebug the valu height=”21” in a bigger one the extension appear even if in a ”strange” position and it seems bitten by a dog :-D

Can u give me some help me to solve this prob? what I have to change and in which file?

thx in advance
Hello Prankster,
Sorry, but we are not providing support for third-party extensions. If you interested you can ask for our services:

Regards, AS Team.
I know, I ve read all the old posts, but I don't need support for the gallery (that works).
Anyway thx for answering

Some time ago I bought a template from you. Before I did it i checked its demo version. There, on the homepage I could see that the main articles were shown in 4 columns. Then, after i bought the template, I installed it and I noticed that the main articles were shown in 3 columns and the last, the 4th main article was shown above all those columns

Please, respond as far as possible. It's extremely important for me.
Best regards, Kacper.
Hello Ogien88,

In the Menu Manager : Edit Menu Item : Layout Options you have put the 'Leading Articles' in 0 (zero), 'Intro Articles' and 'Columns' to 4.

Regards, AS Team.

Sure as eggs I knew I'd goof up somewhere and at the moment this is it.

The 3 Featured articles on the Home Page are there okay however there is a larger space between 2 and three than between 1 and 2. Not sure what i did to make this happen but could I have some help to even them up please.

Many thanks..


Hi Starlite,

Looks like you copied the text from Microsoft Office or used some editor, we don't have such class (MsoNormal) in our template, as well right margin:

class=”MsoNormal” style=”margin-right: 35.45pt;

Please check the article content.

Regards, AS Team.
Many thanks. Yes from Word. Used to paste into text editor first to get rid of code but brain went limp this time and I forgot.

I have tried to get rid of this info in many article however it seems changing the options from Show, Global, Hide etc are not working for me. What am I doing wrong here please.

Thanks for your time.

Category: Uncategorised
Published on Friday, 17 February 2012 02:36
Written by Super User
Hits: 19
Don't worry.. Can remove that info now. Works this time. Thanks
Sorry to do this but I was wrong.

I still cannot remove the details, author etc info top left of articles.

I have tried the right side Article Options however it does not make any difference.

Can you help please?

Hi Starlite,

You can remove them in the 'Menu Manager: Edit Menu Item - Article Options'

Regards, AS Team.
do you see the drop down now?
Hello Imgracia,
Sorry, can you please provide us with an URL and one more time let us know what is your problem? Thank You.

Regards, AS Team. i want to change the color of the drop down menu, i managed to change the color of the top menu, but i can't find the image that is used for the drop down menu. Can you help me with it?
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