Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

Hello gytis47,
That is because our demo home page has 4 featured articles, on your page we see the text with images in modules 12-15, please see the following article for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
I have done all you ask me but the problem still persist.Can you rectify it for me.If I have to pay let me know how much thank you.Because I need this rectify before Monday 19th March.
Hello stonzaro,
Please contact us through "Our Services" page and provide with an access to the Joomla admin panel and FTP, also please describe your problem one more time.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi team, I can add fonts to the template? 002032 I bought the premium. I would like to add fonts to google. Thank you
Hello danielmq,
This template doesn't have such parameter, sorry. You have to add them by yourself or ask for our services.

Regards, AS Team.
I how do i alter the text colour of the" read more" button under testimonials.

Secondly how do I change the background of the testimonial module.

Thank you
Hello stonzaro,
The text color we changed, you can see it in the index.php file.
The background color can't be changed using template parameters, you have to write your own css.

Regards, AS Team.
Message sent via Contact Us page as requested.

Thank you for your excellent service.
Dear Sirs,

problem not solved. I read instructions ad do everything. Nothing is change.Can You help me?
Can I sent You acces codes of my site to Your E-mail?

Best Regards,

THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!

I understud my mistake. everything i OK !!!!

Please help me to redirect to full text as i Your demo page

Thank YOU for Your exellent service

Best Regards,

Hello gytis47,
Here is an example of one of our featured articles, you have to put it as HTML text:

<img src="images/sampledata/as002032/img.quarter.1.png" alt="" title="" width="230" height="140" />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sodales venenatis nulla eget porttitor. Pellentesque dui sapien, pharetra sed iaculis cursus, mattis quis nisl. Vivamus blandit felis vitae purus imperdiet ut malesuada lacus aliquam.</p>

<hr id="system-readmore" />
<p><img src="images/sampledata/as002032/img.quarter.1.png" alt="" class="left" />
Curabitur sit amet molestie enim. Morbi convallis imperdiet diam, id varius est ultrices non. Nunc massa erat, convallis id facilisis nec, adipiscing sed orci. Vivamus ultricies elementum arcu, in vehicula erat mollis nec. In ut lorem sit amet leo bibendum dapibus. Integer eu nunc nunc, et blandit nibh. Morbi dignissim ultrices auctor. Mauris convallis auctor tellus sit amet facilisis. Aenean nisi elit, condimentum quis consequat at, egestas at lacus. Vestibulum in laoreet nibh. Etiam ut vehicula felis. Duis congue facilisis odio a faucibus. Duis sollicitudin malesuada augue quis bibendum. Donec quis nibh lacus. Suspendisse mi enim, accumsan in venenatis ac, rutrum eget risus. <br /><br />

Mauris ut sapien ac libero pellentesque varius vitae ut ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla ante nibh, scelerisque id imperdiet quis, dictum ac magna. Cras sollicitudin vulputate lacinia. Donec sit amet sapien ante. Cras consequat consequat semper. In dui elit, fringilla id convallis eu, iaculis ac lorem. Sed sapien ligula, sodales sit amet ultricies eu, facilisis eu quam. Fusce aliquet, nunc at rhoncus venenatis, nisi nibh sagittis ipsum, gravida posuere purus leo et quam. <br /><br />
Curabitur sit amet molestie enim. Morbi convallis imperdiet diam, id varius est ultrices non. Nunc massa erat, convallis id facilisis nec, adipiscing sed orci. Vivamus ultricies elementum arcu, in vehicula erat mollis nec. In ut lorem sit amet leo bibendum dapibus. Integer eu nunc nunc, et blandit nibh. Morbi dignissim ultrices auctor. Mauris convallis auctor tellus sit.

Regards, AS Team.

Is it possible to disalbe the built-n slider on some pages. I know that there is a possibility to show to on home page or in all pages, but is it possible to hide it on selected pages?
Hello maricladislav,
That's impossible, in your case you have to install additional slider.

Regards, AS Team.
In reference to "Hi,
I how do i alter the text colour of the" read more" button under testimonials."

I had to update my template and after that I lost the changes you made to the the read more button.

Please apply the change for me again thank you
Hi awaiting your response...the changes is still not done.

Thank you
I want to change the text "Contact" and "Contact Form" to "Prayer Request".Where can I do that.

Thank you.

I still haven't got a response on the read more button on the testimonial.

Thank you
Hello stonzaro,
Sorry, you have to make changes in the css files, or write you own css file and add it to the index.php file, the template doesn't have such parameters.

Regards, AS Team.
Okay thank you,
But I still haven't got a response on the read more button on the testimonial.

The text readmore can't be seen.I reported yesterday and It was rectified but after I updated the template this morning I lost the changes.

Can you please see to it for me.

Thank you.

Secondly which of the css file do I have to make the changes to.
I really do appreciate your service and support,its been exceptional.But I am really surprised that as at now my comment has not been attended to yet.

How can i alter the text colour of the" read more" button under testimonials.

You did if for me earlier but after I updated the template I lost the changes.

Can you do it for me as u did earlier.

Thank you
Hello stonzaro,
You have to add the following class in the template.css file:

#colleft .newsflash a.readmore
color: #FFFFFF;

Regards, AS Team.
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