Joomla! Template 002032 - Item Support

AS Team,

My web developer (cerhutch) posted about these issues but we haven't gotten a response yet. I am the purchaser of record, so you may be waiting for me to submit.

We are trying to load an alternate slideshow with additional functionality into template AS002032 and are having two problems.

1) Neither of the alternate slideshows are centered in the template.

2) We can get DJ Imageslider - a MooTools slideshow - installed and operating but can not get Slideshow CK - a jQuery slideshow - successfully installed. Our preference is for the Slideshow CK, so would like to figure out how to get it working.

You can see our installation of the DJ Imageslider at:
Our installation - unsuccessful - is at:
BTW,we still need to resize the images.

Any help with centering the alternate slideshows and getting Slideshow CK operating would be appreciated.

Hello PHOLT12.
Sorry, we are not providing free support for third-party extensions, in this case you have ask for our services.

Regards, AS Team.
But the template appears to be over-riding the center commands of the slideshows. That would be a problem with the template, not the extensions.

Hello PHOLT12,
We are sorry, accordingly to the source code of your site, there is missing 'content' class which centralize the slider, or there was done some changes in the index.php file.

Regards, AS Team.

I want to know how can i modify the top menu positions. I want to have all menu items on one row. my site:

Sorry, there is no such option in template parameters. This template was net designed to have the main menu in 100% of template width, sorry one more time.

Regards, AS Team.
How do I center the title of the Main mudulos Column (position 24, 25, 26,27)?
Please find the following in the template.css file (it should be on line 1348)

#colmain .row2 h1,
#colmain .row2 h2,
#colmain .row2 h3
margin: 0 0 25px;
padding: 0;

and add: text-align: center;

it should looks like the following:

#colmain .row2 h1,
#colmain .row2 h2,
#colmain .row2 h3
margin: 0 0 25px;
padding: 0;
text-align: center;

Regards, AS Team.


I am in the process of setting up a website using this template and overall things are going very well. I just have a couple questions regarding how you have displayed articles in the demo preview. How did you display the articles with the headings "Unique Design", "Fully Customizable", "Slider Effects", and "50 Module Positions" with part of the article content and the read more button going to a new page? I'm not sure if I'm missing out on an extension or what but I can't figure out how to display a single article in this fashion.

Secondly, how did you have the "About Us" and "Contact Us" sections of the footer display like that? I can't figure out how to do this, either.
There are 4 featured articles on the home page, here is an example of "Unique Design" page:

<img src="images/sampledata/as002032/img.quarter.1.png" alt="" title="" width="230" height="140" />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sodales venenatis nulla eget porttitor. Pellentesque dui sapien, pharetra sed iaculis cursus, mattis quis nisl. Vivamus blandit felis vitae purus imperdiet ut malesuada lacus aliquam.</p>

<hr id="system-readmore" />
<p><img src="images/sampledata/as002032/img.quarter.1.png" alt="" class="left" />
Curabitur sit amet molestie enim. Morbi convallis imperdiet diam, id varius est ultrices non. Nunc massa erat, convallis id facilisis nec, adipiscing sed orci. Vivamus ultricies elementum arcu, in vehicula erat mollis nec. In ut lorem sit amet leo bibendum dapibus. Integer eu nunc nunc, et blandit nibh.. <br /><br />

Mauris ut sapien ac libero pellentesque varius vitae ut ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla ante nibh, scelerisque id imperdiet quis, dictum ac magna. Cras sollicitudin vulputate lacinia. Donec sit amet sapien ante.

Regarding the "About" and "Contact Us" please see the following page, positions 50 and 53:

Regards, AS Team
I have another question, too: What are the ideal image dimensions for the slider images?
The image size should be 984x234.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi Team,

Is it possible to remove to the <div id="companyname"> ONLY from the home page and have it showing in the other pages.


Sorry, there is no such option, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi Team,

Where can i find the code to change the following:

#header .row1 {
background-color: #000000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #303030;

#header #sliderow {
background-image: url("/templates/as002033/images/bg.slider.png");
background-position: left bottom;
background-repeat: repeat-x;
border-bottom: 1px solid #303030;


Have you looked for it in styles.php file?

Regards, AS Team.
I would like to use AS Moo Slider and not the one in the template, how can i desactivate it and allow the AS Moo Slider instead?

Hello BEN0IT26,
You don't need inactivate it, the slider will be replaced with the installed extension automatically.

Regards, AS Team.

What is the size of the logo image?

I want to insert a logo image that I already have but it does not fit to the template. Please see the link

Logo is too high and to short :(

How can I change that ?

Thank You for your support.

The size of the logo we are using in this template is 240x119px. You have to edit your logo in any of image editors.

Regards, AS Team.
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