Joomla! Template 002033 - Item Support

Well, it turns out the problem is in what Firefox now sees as "inline style sheet #12".

Setting the width fixes the issue:

#header .row1 #topnavbar .menu,
#header .row1 #topnavbar .custom
width: 140px; /* <<<< FIX
float: right;

(140 being the min. width for for four buttons [4*35]).

I think Mozilla missed the ball on this one.
Hello frentrop,
Sorry, we don't have login ico, it have to be created by our designer, if you interested you have to contact us through the "Our Services" page, our services are not free.

Regards, AS Team.
About my problem of sub menu width.
# header. row2 # topmenu ul li
If I change the value
# header. row2 # topmenu ul li
width: 250px;
original is 175px
This does not rule the width of the sub menu decale but the block to the
thank for help
Hello Kreaumnia,

You have to change it in: #header .row2 #topmenu ul li

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, were is the Footer row 2?
I neee the position Like here
This was a reason to buy the template. On the demo have an entire row down and two footer but realy don´t have the second footer. Were i can finde this? Thanks
Hello Sermanac,
Do you have published any modules in positions 50-54?

Regards, AS Team.
always on the menu
yes I understand that this was the (2 posts of identical response)
the problem is that it does not solve the problem back to the site, I put a value of 275 instead of 175 px it shifts the submenu to the left but it widens it! for my title on a single line.
thank you for the exact item
#header .row2 #topmenu ul li
width: 275px;
Hello Kreaumnia,
Can you please contact us through the 'Contact Us' page and provide with access to the Joomla admin panel.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks was my error
I want to know how to do the slide legend, located at position 4
Hello julianmarquez
Please see the following article, position 4:

Regards, AS Team.

can I change position 1 above Silde position?

Hello espargoo,
Sorry, what do you mean, this position is designed for the main menu only.

Regards, AS Team.
I placed hy logo in and it only shows the top. is there any way to set the logo hight higher?
Hello jrstewart,
Try to re-size the logo image, on the demo page we have 310x80.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you.
How can I download an updated template version? The only version I can see under my account is the one I bought in February.
Hello Excalibur,
Your account has a latest version from march 14th.

Regards, AS Team.
Where can I read the change log? The ticker bug with a cut off text is still there in IE8.


can somebody tell me how I can change the height of the slider?

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