Joomla! Template 002033 - Item Support


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Regards, AS Team.
How can I change the copyright information in the first page?

I would like to substitute one item there. Is it possible?
Hello TOMGIL001,

Sorry, not quite understand your problem, can you please let us know more info, as well please provide with an URL?

Regards, AS Team.
Good day,

Is it possible to change the size of the slider showcase on the homepage?

I have images with size 1000x232.
I should have read the other posts before I posted my question... Sorry for that - my issue regarding the slides size is resolved!

Thank you for a excellent template!

I want to change the general, overall width of the template from 1000px (i guess) to 900px so that it will fit into all screens and ipod, etc.

Can you please help me with this?

Sorry, we have to see your site

Regards, AS Team
With my limited (this far) knowledge it was quite a mission but I got it right! :-)
hello! i have a question. I use one slide show for my pictures and I have also create 5 categories in the main menu.. I would like to know how can the slider show show diffirent pictures in each category and not the same ones in each category.. thanks a lot!

In this case you can install and use ASNivo Slider :

Position for AS Slider should be slider. You have to make 5 AS Sliders with different pictures, and assign them to special item menu.

Regards, AS Team.
hello. i have a question. how can i change the :"your world"?
thank you
Sorry, what do you mean? What exactly are you going to change, can you please provide us with more info?

Regards, AS Team.
I had a quick question, I am building a site for my client at and they want the twitter feed and the slider in the same area. So I wanted to move the slider over to start aroud position 300 and put the twitter feed into the first section from 0-300 so bascially the slider is two panels, live twitter and the slider. I cant seem to figure out how to do both. Is that possilbe?
Sorry, this template doesn't have such feature, for the site customization you have contact us via the 'Our Services' page:

Regards, AS Team.
I have purchased a license for this template for my website, however, I uploaded the free version initally into Joomla 2.5. Now as I try to look at my template and modify some options, it says it's the free version and has limited functionality. I attempted to upload the Premium version, but it told be it was already uploaded. Sorry, I'm slightly new to Joomla (about a year) and the original template was a free template uploaded and configured by someone else that ended up with php errors & stopped working. This is my first install & rebuild myself.
Thank you for your help!!
Hello CINDYD123,
Can you please first uninstall the free version and then instal the purchased? It should work for you. If you will still have any problems please let us know.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

I would like to change footer copyright information in the template. I didn´t find the place. The information used by the template is not located in language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_footer.ini
and the footer module is inactive.
Where can I find the archive that contains the information Copyright © date sitename used by the template?
Thanks in advance.
Tom Gil
I forgot to send the URL

I wanna change the copyright information at the bottom right - Copyright © 2012 Aves de Água

The footer module of Joomla that shows the Joomla! copyright information is unpublished.

Hello TOMGIL001,

You should change Your Site Name for "Aves de Ague" in site/global configuration .

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team
I know that, it's not the site name that I want to change. I want to substitute the word Copyright and use Creative Commons and write more things. I would like, also, to put the link for the type of license in Creative Commons.
How can I do that?
Which archive does have this information? It is not in the usual archive used in joomla - language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_footer.ini

Could you help me?
Thanks in advance.
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Joomla 3 Product
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