Joomla! Template 002033 - Item Support

I installed the new Version by changing the Name in the XML. So it was possible to install the new template. Now I am searching for the old module positions to Change all to the new. With the documentation of the old one it would be easier for me.
The module positions table for the previous version you can see here:

Regards, AS Team.

I'd like to use the main menu on position 2. The problem I have while doing so, is that the submenu isn't visible anymore.

The reason why I like to have the main menu on position 2 is because I'd like to have the AS Slideshow on top followed by the main menu.

I am thankful for your help in this matter.
We are sorry, but this position is not designed for menu, the menu you can put in position 1, like here:
or in position 3 like here:

Regards, AS Team.
So I can't have the AS Slideshow on top of the page and beneath it the main menu on position 1 one?

Regards, Claudia
The menu should be published in position 3 if you need to have the slider on the top of your page and the menu under the slider.

Regards, AS Team.

Can I disable the logo for the homepage / start?
I'd like to show my logo on all the other pages except on start.

Thanks for your help
We are sorry, there is no such option, it should be developed, you can ask for our services using the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
I bought the premium version, i would like to install the quickstart package on my local machine using Xampp to try and modifing it before pubblishing but when i try to upload the zip file it occur an error because of the maximum upload file size . If i try unzipping first the package which file or files do i need to upload to mySQL database then??
Hello CLITO72,
Can you please provide us with more info about this problem? During which installation step and what error message are you receiving?

Regards, AS Team.
When i go to the myphpadmin panel to upload the file to the local database of Xampp i get an error message that sound like "may be you are tring to upload a file over maximum file size". I tried to modify the php.ini to unlock upload file size limit.. but did not resolve
Thanks for helping
Hello CLITO72,
You can't upload quick-start via myphpadmin panel, the package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, please carefully read the template documentation:

Regards, AS Team.
Sorry to ask again for help.. I followed the instructions but at step 2 of the joomla installation passage it turns the message "cannot connect to the mySQL darabase"
Hello CLITO72,
Sorry, but in this case we can't help you, please check that you put correct database name, username and password.

Regards, AS Team.
If it can be usefull: in the php eror log i have the "use of iconv.internal encoding is deprecated in C:/xampp/htdocs/joomls/libraries/joomla/string/string.php on line 27"
Same message for: iconv.input encoding ..... in line 28
iconv.output line 29

Found the solution.. cancelled last 3 rows of the string.php file and corrected the password of server database access
Just an easy question: How can i pubblish just an only "home page style-2" site? It seem that the main home page (.index) is adressed to the style-1
Need to modify the css?
Hello CLITO72,
You have to move the menu item from submenu to the top level and make it as your default home page, after you have to unpublish home style 1 page.

Regards, AS Team.

can you please tell me how to activate the possibility to choose different color styles? In the demo preview you can change it about the main menu -> color styles submenu. After installation with sampledata there is no submenu like "color styles". I want to change it to the blue one. Thanks for your help.

Regards, kek289 :)
Hello KEKA289,
The color stye you can change in your Joomla admin panel -> Extensions -> Template Manager -> AS 002033 Template -> General Configuration Parameters -> Template Styles parameter.

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 3 Product
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