Joomla! Template 002033 - Item Support

Congratulations, it's a really great template.
Is it possible to change the high of the slider?

Thank You :)
The height you can change in the templates/as002033/slider/css/slider.css file, please look for the following classes:

#slideshow {
float: none;
height: 475px;
margin: 0 auto;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0;
position: relative;
width: 1000px;


#slideshow #slider {
height: 450px;
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
width: 1000px;

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks for posting the updated files!

I'm still looking for an answer on how to edit the footer. I searched 'footer' in the article and had only 1 result. It is in the default position:
You have to create a custom html module, or any other, and put it in the footer (positions 50-59), please see parameters page for all module positions.
For example, in the footer we have position-54, take the source code from the Modules Configuration Article - Position-54 (Custom HTML - Social): and put it in your module.

Regards, AS Team.

I purchased this item after setting up the free version. I tried uploading it using Extension manager, but it just times out, and doesn't install the premium version.

I downloaded and purchased another template for another site, and that worked.


Please disregard my last comment. I had to unzip the package first... Thankyou.
Sorry about this, but I unzipped the files, and installed, and i got -1 - an error has occurred. Copy failed.

I need you help again.
Did you uninstall the free version?

Regards, AS Team.
n the template 002033 version 2.5.1 joomla

When I download the file it does not appear in the list of plug-in

Did you instal it?

Regards AS Team.

This has probably more to do with me being a Joomla (2.5) novice than with your template, but I am having a problem with the column layout.

I am trying to create a 3-column lay-out (using the premium version). I have modules on positions 12 and 15, and would like one main article on position 13/14, and any other articles on 20/23.

However, the page seems to be divied up in two columns, on the top row taken up by positions 12 and 15.
The three articles I have published appear to be on positions 40, 20/21, and 22/23.


I want:

| module 1 | Article 1 | Module 2|
|------------+---------+----------+--------+ |
| module 3 | article2|article 3 |article4 | ... |

I get:

| module 1 | module 2 |
| article 1 | article 2| article 3|

I tried to fix this by changing the settings on the main menu layout options, but this has no effect whatsoever.
Leaving the fields blank should revert to the global configuration, but I can't find any setting higher in hierarchy than my main menu.
Hi Frentrop,
Try the following:
1. create a menu item with type of 'Featured Articles'
2. in 'Layout Options panel put 'Leading Articles' to 1, 'Intro Articles' and 'Columns' to 3.
3. publish your modules in positions 40/44 (left side column) and 45/49 (right side column)

Hope it will help you.
Regards, AS Team.
In the top meu, I can not bring up more than six links on the same line. I need to put 7 links.
Have you a solution?
Thank you.
Hello Kreaumnia,

In the Header Configuration parameters panel of the template change the Shift Left parameter to 0 (zero),
as well,
you can change the 'width' size in the template.css file, look for the following class:
#header .row2 #topmenu li a

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, I am interested in this template. i would like some clarification. If i start from scratch and work with the SQL dumb file as in your ”how to” section, will I end up with a page looking like the one in your demo? ie, it will have all of the modules/features as on the demo?

also is there a way to add more icons the social media mule (position 54). Specifically i am interested in adding a youtube icon there.

Hello Giantquest,
1. After installation the SQL Dump file, your site will looks exact like our demo site.
2. Yes, that is not a problem, you can do it by yourself using an example on our How To page, or we will provide you with a source code.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi team,

It wouldn't give me an option to uninstall. When i tried to delete it, it came back with a -1 error.

I had to uninstall joomla, and reinstall it and install the premium version. Works perfectly.. Thanks for your help.


Hello Djneilly,

Strange issue, but it works :)

Regards, AS Team.
Hi Team,

How can I add an additional font to the site. I don't want to use any of the default fonts that are listed in the general configuration parameters.

Hello Djneilly,

Our fonts you can find in the templateDetails.xml, look for the following:
'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'
You can add your font in the same way or by creating your own css.

Regards, AS Team.
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