Joomla! Template AT Rugby - Item Support

Hi again,

Thank you for solving the "warning issue".

I have checked th other issues and I still face the same problems. I have cleared the cash, but still have the issue with the top bar layout that I can not display on the same line in the right position and the background colour of the drop down menus which is white and thus do not allow to display the text of the menus.

I have left the text menu as white so that you can see directly the issue.

And in the English version of the site, you'll see that the language switcher and the search area are on the left part of the screen when I would expect them to be on the right part.

Thanks again for the support


I just sent the E-mail with screen shots.

Thank you
All issues solved. Thanks a lot for the support.

Quick question.
I am using the v1.0 of the AT Rugby template on my Joomla site (3.7.10).
I want to upgrade my Internet site to Joomla 4.
It says that I need to upgrade the AT Rugby template.
Do I need to piurchase a new license for that?

Thank you in advance for your quick answer.
Your license for downloading the items expired, it means you need to purchase a new one.

Regards, AS Team.
OK, thank you very much.
Best regards,
Dear All,

I have renewed yesterday the license for the AT Rugby template.
I have installed the new version of the template on my site (Joomla 3.10.11).
If I assign my menus to the new templates, the layout becomes the basic one of the new template.
If I change settings and save, the message that my modifications have been sucessfully applied appears, but the changes are not visible ion the template. It stays on the basic layout and look&feel.

Could you please let me know what I need to do to change that.

Thank you.

In the meantime, I had to update my site to Joomla 4.2.7 and face other issues there.
As soon as the issue with the migration is fixed, I'll contact you if I still face issue with the template.
Best regards,
Thomas Lernout

Is there a way to change the way the Off-Canvas menu behaves.
In the current version, the only way to open sub-menus is to click on the littl arrow that appears near to the Parent menu. On mobile phones, this arrow appears too small, which makes the navigation quite difficult.
How could I manage that clicking on the title of the menu itself (in the off canvass menu) would open the sub-menus and not directly a page of the site.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Best regards,
Thomas Lernout
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Item Name:
AT Rugby
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 4 Product
$29.00 $21.75
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
$39.00 $29.25
Extended License

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