Joomla! Template 002034 - Item Support

If I look at the website page info (right mouse click ) it shows the template.css in full. That also is the case on your demo site.
Is there a way to make it disapear and just showing the normal index info?
No, sorry.
What is a MySQL dump file? What do I use it for? Sorry, but I am new to Joomla
I've Template No. 2034. 2030 2033 2032, can I use one of them with Virtuemart? If I can, do You have a Tutorial as can show me how pleace.

thank you.

There are two ways to configure the template modules:
a) by importing dump.sql file into the Joomla! database;
b) manually configuring template modules through the Joomla! administration panel.

The following article explains how to work with a MySQL dump file:

Regarding Virtuemart, you can try, sorry, but we are not supporting third-party extensions.
Hi, i bought template AS002034.

My problem is: in an article with an unordered list (with bullets before an item) the text is a mess, some text has even disappeared.
When I apply a standard template, like Beez5, the text looks as it was meant and as shown in the editor at the back-end of the site.

Can you help me with this one?

My Joomla! version is 1.7.3
Please provide us with an URL, we have to see it.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks for your reply.

The URL is

The text on the backside is:
We found the issue, can you please in the joomla.css file, on the line 553, instead of clear: none; put clear: both; it should be like the following:

#colmain #component .item-page ul {
clear: both;
margin: 0 0 0 20px;
padding: 0 0 20px;

If you don't know how to make changes, please contact us through 'Contact Us' page and provide with access to the Joomla admin panel.

Regard, AS Team.
Thank you very much!
That was the solution.

Meanwhile I have another problem: on the iPad the page is not completely visible, the right site of the footer has disappeared (see:

Do you have a solution?

We don't see any problem, on our side it looks perfect.

Regards, AS Team.
I've purchased item: 002034
I have created Menues (external link) but not shown at all .
Ok with joomla templates, but not with Item 002034

I am using Joomla 2.5

Thanks for helping!
Please refer to the following articles, we are sure it will help you a lot:
On the iPad the footer is not completely visible:


What iPad do you have? We don't see such problems on our.
I have an iPad 2 with IOS 5.0.1.
On my iPhone 3GS with IOS 5.0.1 the same problem when i view the page with Safari.

I've just installed Opera Mini on my iPad, with this browser the page is shown perfect!
Little margin on the left and right side and the footer is fully shown.
What about other templates, try this one:
Same problem on my iPad with Safari, see

When i view the 'Moving easy' page on the iPad with Opera Mini it looks perfect.
OK, so it happens not only with our templates, we will check it.
We purchased the Premium version, and love the layout. However, is there any way to reduce the space taken by the top menu and logo? When the slider is not there, it's a lot of wasted space.
You can do it by editing the template.css file, look for the following class:

#header .row2 {
margin: 55px 0;
padding: 0;
text-align: left;

You have to reduce margin.

Regards, AS Team.
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