Joomla! Template 002035 - Item Support

Pls check now. It is now visible to me. I hope it will not be visible to other visitors
I am still waiting to hear from you. Have you received the details?
Please check your site, it should be OK now.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you very much. But the paging is still there even I have removed it from the blog settings. Any help?
You have to remove it from menu item settings.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you very much. It has been fixed!
Hello AS-Template Team

I have some questions and hope you can/will help me:

1. Suddenly Random Image P7 appears on the left and no longer on the right side but I don't find the alignment function, respectively where it is controlled from. I didn't change it knowingly...

2. Where can I change the header name respectively where is it controlled from? I don't find the page_header "Welcome" of the featured page on home but tried everything...

3. Which setup I'll have to do in the article newsflash module "about us" to get only on the entry page the blue box? I've tried everything but when I click on a sub-page on "<a class="btn btn-info" href="/index.php/about/123-andre-nyffeler"></a>" it appears also. Is this all controlled by the categoies / set of categories?

The development & test environment of the has now been transferred to one of our inhouse web servers and is at the moment only accessable by internal IP address. If you can help me e.g. by TeamViewer or Lync please let me know and I'll send you the coordinates an you'll get Access.

Thank you very much and have a nice day.

Kind regards,

Have you installed this template using quick-start installation package? We will be able to help you only in case if it was installed using the quick-start package, as well we have to see your site on live server.

For help on your home server you have to ask for our services using the following page:

Regards, AS Team.

I get information update exists for this template. How can I get the update?

Best regards
The latest version you can download from your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
As per the last post - so you get the latest version there and then simply just upload/install it to extensions (quick start package)?

You do not need to upload a whole quick-start package, just the template or changed files accordingly to our news page:
Please do not forget about backup before any updates.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, can you please tell me where to find the configuration controls for changing the background color and image for the template 2035. I've been searching throughout the Template Manager, etc. without much luck. Thanks for your help.
We are sorry, there is no such controls, the template style you can change by editing tmpl.default.css class or create your own css and put it in the style.custom.css file, or you can ask for our customizations services using the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
I just installed the template using the quickstart method with sampledata.
Everything seems to be allright besides the buttons in the min menu. They are very much smaller than in your demo because their width is exactly the textwidth. How can I change this?
If you want to take a look at the site (it's not my domain name but an address i can try something out).

Best regards
Hello again,

I just sent you a message cause of the small menu buttons. Then I installed the German language package and made it the default language for the site.
When I restarted my site in the browser the buttons all had the right dimensions. Do you have a simple explanation for that?

Best regards
We do not an explanation, but probably something happened with your browser cache, just checked your site and it looks fine.

Regards, AS Team.

it's me again ( I've two questions to this template.

1) There is a random-image-modul on as-position 15. I thougt it would show different pictures if you start a new session, but it always loads the first file in the choosen directory.
2) I do want to make my new website bilingually, englisch and german. But the Login Form irritates me, if I change to German Language. There are correct german labels for username and password. But beneath the form the user will be asked in ENGLISH forgot your password? etc. Where can I change this?

Best regards
1. How many images do you have in the /joomla/images/random/home/ folder? Please make sure that all images are in jpg format.

2. Have you installed German support in your Joomla admin panel? We do not see the following file on your server:

In this file you have to translate the required constants.

Regards, AS Team.

your first answer was helpfully. There were 10 jpg-Files in the folder, but nine of them ended with "JPG" instead of "jpg". Now that works.

Your second answer was not so helpfully. The file de-De.tpl_as002035.sys.ini was missing and so I took en-EN.tpl_as002035.sys.ini renamed it and wanted to change the items, but I did not find them there, but in de-DE.mod_login.ini. Here these items are correctly, but it still does not work.
MOD_LOGIN_FORGOT_YOUR_USERNAME="Benutzername vergessen?"
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
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