Joomla! Template 002036 - Item Support

Can you please provide us with your site URL? We will check this issue and let you know how to resolve it.

Regards, AS Team.
Yes, I'm testing the premium version on When I'll finish everything it'll have another domain... (the one that will be licensed) If you need an account, please, send me an email address to give it to you. Thank you
Please contact us via the "Contact Us" page and provide with an access to the Joomla admin panel, we would like to check this issue.
Regarding the domain name, please let us know when you will finish your project and move it to another domain, we will update it for you.

Regards, AS Team.
These PHP Notices were removed, it should be OK now.
We are going to update the installation package with this bug fix ASAP.
We are sorry about this problem.

Regards, AS Team.
But... I continue with the same problem... I can´t see the menu... Have you fix it or I have to wait for the new package??
Sorry, but you have not installed any data.

There are two ways how to install the Joomla template:
1. Install Joomla template using Quickstart installation package, so it will looks exact like the demo preview
2. Manual template installation and modules configuration

Please see the following page for more info:

As well, recently we have added Joomla Quickstart installation video tutorial:

Regards, AS Team.
Excuse me? I have four items in a menu that I can see perfectly using another template...
You have to config each template, if something works with our template may not works for other template. That is why we, and other template providers, have to prepare a documentation for the templates.

Regards, AS Team.
Ok, excuse me. There was a mistake with the position of the menu in the template... it was position-1 and not position-7...
Dear AS Designing Support Team,

I have a problem with a curvyobject in the template.

When opening a page with the slider in explorer (explorer9) (chrome and firfox works fine) i first have to click away about 8 warnings (see attachment)

Do you have any suggestion for this one?

Kind regards,

M raidt
Sorry we are not able to support third-party extensions for free, in your case you can disable or edit the '/templates/as002036/scripts/curvycorners.src.js' file.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello: i have two problems.

1. The Slider don't work. It worked local on my pc wih xampp. But now online it won't work.

2. When you roll over with your mouse on the menu on the top (info & FAQ, Preise) the menues will not appear when you didn't click with your mouse.

Only when you click on it, the other menus will appear.

Look at

Please help me

thx manuela
1. Please try to disable the facebook module, if it still not working please contact us via the "Contact Us" page and provide with an access to the Joomla admin panel.
2. Regarding the menu please check the following article, step 7:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi. I forgot to ask how i can go into html code and make changes. In the template i only find the css structure.

thx manuela
What changes are you going to make?
The articles content you can change in the Admin panel only.

Regards, AS Team.
On the Joomla! 2.5 Template - 002036 if I brought the $20.00 package will I be able to change it from green to something else, and will I be able to change the shape of the menu links?
Hello WILLIAMJR1317,
We are sorry, we don't know, it depends on your knowledge in HTML.

Regards, AS Team.

To my last two questions a few posts ago.

1. ok. when i disable the facebook module the slider will works. But is there any way to run the facebook module and the slider? Or is the only chance an other facebook module. Will this work?

2. Ok. The menu works now as i wanted.

and i want to make a link called " impressum" on the left side of the module where the copyright is written on the end of each site. i thought i can make this with HTML, or ?
Please try to disable the jQuery library loading in the Facebook extension, hope it will help you, otherwise try to use an other extension with latest jQuery library with noConflict feature.

Regards, AS Team.

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