Joomla! Template 002036 - Item Support

I switched the slider off and suddenly my logo and slogan text were visible. Then I switched the slider back on again and now logo and slogan text are visible. So please forget the issue about the logo and slogan text.

The other issue about the missing content is still important to me.

Thank you very much for your attention.
Hello kira2012,
In case to see some content you have to create and publish articles, currently we don't see any published articles.
Did you install Joomla samples option during Joomla installation?

Regards, AS Team.

Yes I published featured articles and linked my menu items to it. My problem is, every time I switch to your template, my featured articles disappear on the frontpage. To demonstrate this I set up a second menu item with the same content:

Startseite with AS00036 Template
Home2 with Beez20-Template

Please try and switch the template with those buttons.

Hello kira2012,
Please contact us through the 'Contact Us' page and provide with an access to the Joomla admin panel.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello kira2012,
We checked you site, you don't have any content in the joomla admin panel, we can recommend you reinstall the joomla with sample content, please refer to the joomla documentation for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi i want to change background color from sub menu button the fix color is green and i want to change is blue. If so? tell me how to change thank's for all
Hello lamtsak,
The template doesn't have such option, you have to change css files and images.

Regards, AS Team.

Tanks for the great template...
Just one question.
Why in the front page, if i click on 'home' the template remains on the front page?

Hello lukeamadio,
We decided to show it in such way, you can point it on any page you want.

Regards, AS Team.
I purchased this template today. I am having a problem with the menu showing up on the splash page. Please let me know what to do.
Hello aaronjellis,
What kind of problem do you have, can you please provide with more info, as well with an URL.

Regards, AS Team.
I have the menu showing up now, but the Home menu item just brings me back to the splash page. I have the home set to single article and the article published. if I have to create two menus, one for the splash page and one for the rest of the site, can you tell me the settings as I can't figure out how. I have created and tested a second menu and I don't have an option to publish to the splash page. Help
Hello aaronjellis,
Yes, that is exactly the way, in our demo we used 2 menus, one menu with link on the home page only and the second with all other menus.

Regards, AS Team.
one last question. how do you move position 28 under your article like your demo?
Hello aaronjellis,
We don't have any articles above the position 28, we are using custom html modules.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello As Templates,

I just bought the template and i tried to upload and install in my Joomla. But it is not installing giving the error message as " JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file ". Could please kindly help what i have to do now.

Thank you,
Hello nishanthireddy,
Did you unzip it before installation?

Regards, AS Team.

Thanks for checking my site. There is content - featured articles and they are shown if you switch to one of the standard joomla templates. Did you do that?

I provided you with a switch in the frontend to check that: please select menu item "Home 2"

Hello kira2012,
They not published in the menu for the template 002036.
Please see the following article for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello As Templates,

I have followed the instructions give in the link "" before. I have unzipped the file, but when i unzip, it has became a folder where it wont allow me to upload all the zipped files inside the folder to Joomla. However i tried to transfer all the files to a folder in joomla but still same error was showing.
I honestly dont know how to do with this. I tried all ways whatever i know. I am not able to go further in installing. Please kindly help me with the instructions other than that are available in the website.

Thank you,
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