Joomla! Template 002036 - Item Support

The template is designed for Joomla 2.5.version, you have installed Joomla 3.0 on your server, Joomla 3.0 is recommended for more experienced users and developers.
Our suggestion is install the template using the quick-start installation package, or you can ask for our services and we will do it for you.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello again,

like I told you, the slider doesn't work anyway. I've tried your advice to deactivate the extensions, one by one.
This doesn't have any positive effect.

The link, of the website where the slider works is:

The link, of the website where the slider doesn't work is:

I've only added a site background, to the index.php via html.
I don't think, that's the reason for the problem.

Best Regards Bjoern
Please provide us with an access to the Joonla admin panel, we have to check this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Templates Team, I need your help again. In this link
I add 3 fields at the registration form, called "RUt" "Tienda" and "Fecha de Nacimiento", but the text area don`t look as I want. If you see the other fields the text area has a green border, I want the same green border at the text area of this 3 new fields.

I suppose have to edite some .css file, but the question is exactly wich file and wich line?

Thanks a lot.

Best Regards!
You have to add the new fields in the tmpl.content.css file, please look for the following (should be on line 1153):

#username, #password {
border: 1px solid #5EC611;
float: left;
font-size: 12px;
margin: 0;
padding: 6px;
text-align: left;

Regards, AS Team.
jsgreenkeepig again,

Hi there,
as you wish, i created a new user account for you to check the problem with the slider.

Best regards Bjoern
The problem comes from the facebook extension, the extension doesn't have jQuery noConflict functionality, we disabled the extension, now slider works fine.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, i add the new fields in the tmp.content.css file, but doesn´t work. I upload the new file by ftp but don´t show the new fields into the registration form.

I change the file with a php editor, and y add the lines like this


Best regards,

Probably it is because you missed a point (.) before inputbox.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, my code has that point, I didn´t copy and paste in the previous post, but it is there. So, wich is the problem? Can I modificate some .css file to put the green border in the text box of the new fields?

Thanks a lot!
We checked your site one more time, you have not added css, for example where is css for 'jform_profile_address2' class?
Just add it like the following at the beginning:


Regards, AS Team.

Hello there,
is it possible to upgrade my license for this item to an extended one?
Best regards

Bjoern Sturzbecher
Yes, that is possible, please contact us via 'Contact Us' page for price details:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello again,
thanks for updating so fast. Now I have a small problem with the content area on this page:

the location of the side coloumns are configured: "on the righte side"

But it looks like, that a kind of module is blocking that area. So the content, can't be shown the full range of this layout.

I've had the problems with , too. But now that works fine with location settings "on the right side"

Maybe you have another idea to fix that problem.

Thanks for support.

Best Regards

Bjoern Sturzbecher
ok, I have it.
Another extern module blocked this position.
Thanks for help, at all.

Best regards

Bjoern Sturzbecher
I have a problem with ie9 and automatic image fullscreen, firefox works perfectly.

The autor of my image extension said:
"Full image is opened in core joomla modal, so the problem is in joomla or (what is more possible) your template."

I use template version 2.0.4

Link with the bug, you should click in one photo.

The extension you are using is not our product,
sorry, we are not able to provide support for third party extensions.

Regards, AS Team.
I install the template manually - -

I want to have the template as the example in the DEMO

There are two folders in SQL
mysql and SqlAzure

And within two databases containing several
as install the databases?
that installed?
If you would like to have it exact like the demo preview you must install it using the quick-start installation package, please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.

Great template!

Can you advise how to disable or change the text that appears on the 3 images that scroll?

It says "Services" then "Lorem ipsum etc etc"

Thank you!
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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