Joomla! Template 002036 - Item Support

one note: on the template you have a few spelling errors..
in the template ---> "general configuration parameters"

you have written pUttern repeating instead of pAttern repeating


Thank you for noticing about this problem, we will fix it in the next version.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi there, thank you for the response..

I will check with the third party extension guys.
In the meantime could you let me know at least how to get rid of the style list for the topmenu as I cannot find where this is defined.

I would like to get rid of the small icons showing in the menu (leaf icon.. )
I looked at the menu manager and menu type but cannot make much sense of the logic..

Also on the template it is not very clear what position 1 and position 0 are ..

any help appreciated.

It should be defined in some place in the extension, as we told you have ask for the extension developer to help you.

For the template module positions please see the following page:

Regards, AS Team.

I would like to ask if this theme exist in wordpress.

Best regards
No, for Joomla only.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi there,

just a quick note to let you guys know i managed to fix. I had to check the css files for the menu and after a bit of tweaking I managed to get rid of the list icons on the menu.

Another suggestion ... on the configuration page for the template you have another spelling mistake.. in the slider configuration :
HoriSontal should be horiZontal ... fyi.

Hi there,

As i purchased the premium version I would like to get at leaast a couple of things straight:

1: the template uses nivo-slider but there is no way to understand why when installing the original nivo-slider from the developers it does not work ... this is rather weird.

could someone explain what is needed to get the extension working properly and not with the very reduced set of options provided in the custom template module.

If anything could you at least tell me how to disable the template nivo slider so I can use the developer version?

I re-install everything and even without the third party menu extension the slider won't show.

Really appreciated
Many thanks
In this template we are using customized version of Nivo slider which is specially designed for the current template only.
In case to have any extension working you have to make some customization.
To disable the slider please use the Template Configuration Parameters -> Slider Configuration Parameters -> Show slider.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you for the prompt response.

Can someone from your team to contact by email ( with me in order to support me before to buy the template?
Sorry for the post here but I cannot found contact form or email.
Thank you in advance.
We are sorry, we are not providing support via email, any of your questions please put in your comments, we will not publish them if you wish.

Regards, AS Team.

1st of all: great template, still happy.
I have got one issue with the "Main menu"

(Hundesalon) (Hundpflege) (Hundeassecoires) (Hundenahrung)

The drop-down only opens, after I klick on the according "top-item".
The other top-items get highlichted, when I focuse the mouse, but the drop-down did not open...

Attached the site:

It looks like the mouseover is not working correct... Can you help me in this case?

Thank you very much.

tbase / Ruediger
Hello TBASE42,
Sorry, there is no support for free templates.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello TBASE42,
BTW, you are not authorized to use our free templates without AS copyright in the footer.

Regards, AS Team.

Does this template support featured articles? I cannot get featured articles to appear on the home page in the paid version but it works in the free version.

Thanks in advance,
You can't add featured articles on the splash page, but you can disable the feature using the Template Parameters -> General Configuration Parameters -> Show Home page as splash page.

Regards, AS Team.

We purchase item no. 002036 for this website

We find 2 issues there in

1) Navigation link is not coming in our above mentioned llink
here is the screen shot which we want in our templage -
not coming in our

2) How to call google map which we can see in your demo website in contact page?

kindly assist in both


1. This is a breadcrumbs module, we don't see it published on your site.
2. The extension documentation you can find on the following site:

Regards, AS Team.

I have a little question about this template, I started using free template, but finally decided to get premium version.

My question is, why in free one there's a "tmpl.general.css", and in premium version not?

My problem is that i have added the 5 background images in general configuration parameters, but only in the first one is showing it correctly covering all the backgroun. From 2nd to 5th backgrounds only see it covering the pattern repeat.

So I have look every css and see there's not the general one so I can't change it to set background-size: cover.

Please could you help me to set the 5 of them correctly? The site is so you can see in "Videos" the correct background, but in the rest "Fotos, Facebook, Youtube and Contacto" is wrong set.

Hope your answer soon..
Thx in advanced.
We are sorry, we do not see any purchased items under your account.

Regards, AS Team.
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