Joomla! Template Vine PT - Item Support

let connect
Now I have installed the third template from primer.
And also this is not working.
I received no answer on my questions.
In vinept the css is not working.

Okay, I will try the next one.
I have bougt the AS Template Plan with primer.

Until today I have found no template, with can be installed correctly an which can be customized for my fits.
In the template vine-pt there is no css activ after quickinstallation.

I have waisted a lot of time with the primer templates, and the best soolution for me is to get my money back. Never made any bad experience with a template plan.

We buy a joomla template on your web site "Vine PT - Joomla! 2.5 - 3 Template - Regular License ". But unfortunately our housting service manager told as that the site is sending files. please is it a courent problème on this template? We dont add new code to they script. Can you help us to resolve this problème? Our hosting service manager suspend our web site according to this problème.

Thank you
Hi i installed the template with the quickstart and i have this error on site:
Error displaying the error page
Hi, i reinstalled all and i have now several mistakes in the front page.
Hi, where can i change this sentence from the home page:
Vine, Warum nicht?

Where can i change the favicon?
How can i change the text of the buttom "continue reading" that shows at homepage in the articles
Hello all,

From the homepage how can I remove the word "Vine, Warum nicht? I tried everything. Please help

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Item Name:
Vine PT
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product

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