Joomla! Template 002039 - Item Support

Sorry, we checked it, there are no any bugs. You have to create a css for the player. Please check class which starts with 'flashcontent ...'

Regards, AS Team.
Hello I am very interested in your template as002039. I'm testing the free version to license premium. Is giving me problems slider module and not if that is the free version. Could you confirm it?. On the other hand I have no PayPal account and I own no credit cards / debit cards so is there any other way to pay the license premium?. Thank you.


Hola estoy muy interesado en su plantilla as002039. Estoy probando la versión free para adquirir la licencia premium. Me está dando problemas el módulo slider y no se si es por que es la versión free. ¿Podría confirmarmelo?. Por otro lado no tengo cuenta en PayPal y tampoco dispongo de tarjetas de credito/debito por lo que ¿habría alguna otra forma de pagar la licencia premium?. Gracias.
We checked the template one more time, there are no any problems with this template.
We accepting PayPal payments only.

Regards, AS Team.

Is the "divide by zero" error fixed on the free version?

I noted the query earlier on the forum, but not sure if it applies?

Hello MONMIK3,
Can you please provide us with the page URL where do you receiving the error message?

Regards, AS Team.

I have other problem the contact form not load correct!

Dont show the form where youser write!!
Mail form problem is fixet now work !
Hey AS Team,

I have a small problem with my top menu u can't click on the name in the button but just around it.

Is there a way to fix that??

please check :

Many thanks in advance

Hello LOUKE777,
We found some script on your site which adds the following for each menu item: ondragstart="return false;", probably it makes the problem.

Regards, AS Team.
Hey As team,

thank you for your quick answer, where should I check for this script, index.php?
Is it possible that an extensions could have added this script?

Many thanks in advance,
Hey AS Team,

My menu is working perfectly now thanks !!
Another question,

when you go in "the categories" and then select one of them, you'll arrive on a page with a photo gallery. Normally there is a picture on the left side.
In IE and Chrome we can see it but not in firefox.
Do you know why ??

Many thanks in advance for your help :)
Hey again AS Team,

Nevermind my question for firefox, I used a wrong pathname for my images :)

Keep the great job !!

Best Regards
I have this error with using the 002039 theme with Jomsocial.

The "Recent Activity" and the right side items do not show side-by-side. The Left side "Recent Activity" is offset tot he left and below the side-by-side items.

Here is a link to a photo of the error:

Thank you!

We are sorry, we are not providing support for the free template version.

Regards, AS Team.
The professional answer would have been, If you bought the theme we could help you. But, at this pint I don't know if I bought it - if you could help me. And a hind-sight answer will make the business person wonder??

Please in the future - try to answer in a way to know if buying your theme is a good investment.

I have installed the free version and I can't work out how to move the menu bar down so I can see the logo image. I don't want to make the image smaller. Do I need to buy the paid version to be able to do this?
We are sorry, we are not able to provide support for free template version, the technical support is available for premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
I am trying to install the template with joomla via the quickstart but I get an error.

When I open the installation and choose the laugage, the site thinks and thinks without moving on - What can I do?
Can you please provide us with more info: what is the error message are you receiving, how are you installing the package, what is your site URL?

Regards, AS Team.
I got it fixed now - so it works now - but have a few other questions :

Where do I find the facebook/twitter etc. modul that I can see on the demo - i cant find it in the extensions?

Can you explaine how I change the logo on the top of the page.

Sorry about all the questions, but am pretty new at this...
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