Joomla! Template 002041 - Item Support

Hello NORRAM11,
Please see 'templates/as002041/css/media.480.css' file the following class:

#slider-row {
display: none !important;

Regards, AS Team.
OK thanks.
what do I have to set so that the slider displays the entire photo (in width).
Hello NORRAM11,
We are sorry, the slider does not have such option.

Regards, AS Team.
I need urgent help. My customer is dissatisfied.
If you open the website on your smartphone, then the page is not fixed. If you wipe your finger to the left, the page does not stop but shows a white area on the right. How can I avoid this?
Thank you
Hello NORRAM11,
The problem is caused by 'boxplus' extension, you have to check it.

Regards, AS Team.
But Sorry, where do I find that?
I have found the "boxplus" Thanks
Dear Support Team,
I have an issue with the 002041 Template as I cannot select / insert images in articles anymore. When I edit an article and use the menu images and links, after selecting the image it appears as <undefined.....png> and does not work. Also to navigate through the images Folders does not work, the view does not change.
I run your template on Joomla 3.9.1, I have not had that issue before.
Can you tell me what I can do to get work?
Hello SHIESS2016,
Is it happened after Joomla update? Do you have any backups? We think your Joomla was corrupted during update.

Regards, AS Team.
Is there an easy way to upgrade the template without totally rebuilding the site?
Hello DUSICA1,
You can replace the updated files only.

Regards, AS Team.
Next to the standard CSS Styles I want to create my own CSS with different colors. I copied the default to Kolonel, but how can I make this visible in the selection menu?
Hello DUSICA1,
Your own css you have to upload in the 'templates/as002041/css/style.custom.css' file.

Regards, AS Team.
I would like to add my own style in the selection menu...

(as shown in Templates - AS002041 - styles - Default Configuration styles - Template Style)

Now there are 5 styles; Default, Royal, Autumn, Forest and Orange. I would like to ad my own in this row.
Hello DUSICA1,
The template does not have such option, but you may ask for our customization services here:

Regards, AS Team.
Strange, I really see these 5 styles to choose from. I could rename one of these styles, but it would be nicer to put one style more in this list of options.
I would like to change the text in the button Read More... But I cannot find where to do this.
I already changed the site language to Dutch, but this button stays Englisch.
Hello DUSICA1,
Please check the following article, it should help you with your problem:

Regards, AS Team.
I have three mistakes:
1: When I set the error reporting field to maximum in the Joomla configuration in the "Server" tab, I get the error message on the website
"Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /www/htdocs/xxx/xxx/modules/mod_as_menu/tmpl/styles.php on line 22
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /www/htdocs/xxx/xxxx/modules/mod_as_menu/tmpl/styles.php on line 26"
In styles.php stands

Line 20: $font_size1 = $params->get('font_size1');
Line 21: if($font_size1)
Line 22: $line_height1 = 'line-height: ' . $font_size1 + 2 . 'px;';
Line 23:
Line 24: $font_size2 = $params->get('font_size2');
Line 25: if($font_size2)
Line 26: $line_height2 = 'line-height: ' . $font_size2 + 2 . 'px;';

What is wrong?

2: Since the Joomla update to 3.9.4 I have a problem with the main menu. In the category "Menu" the connection to the menu module is missing. I should or can only build a new module there. In the extensions, however, there is a module that is also linked to the main menu. How can I merge the menu and module again?

3: In the contact field, as in your example, are two different fonts. How do I change this?
What is your website url please? Have you installed this template using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 3 Product
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