Joomla! Template 002044 - Item Support

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How I can get simple data?
The sample data is included in the template quick-start package, please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi I have bought this template but it gives me error. I have tried to install both 2.5 and 3.0 version but it says it coudnt find xml installation file.

could you please let me know How i can upload this template and install it on Joomla
Hello CHIRAG1912,
Have you unzipped it before installation? Please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.

I downloaded this templated and I'm designing my own website.
But I'm having a hard time changing the favicon.
I already tried the version from the official Joomla Documentation, found here: . But it doesn't seem to work.
Can you help me?
If you put the favicon in right place it usually takes some time to show it, what is your site url please and where you have put it?

Regards, AS Team.

I am very new with Joomla. I am trying to create module position 12 with Image and link them to menu pages but I am not able to find guide line for them. could you please let us know the instructions to done it.

is there any way that I can link all pages like demo site and only needs to do is changing words and information?
Hello CHIRAG1912,
Our suggestion is install the template using quick-start installation package. After installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page. Please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you for your feed back

I have installed quick start installation , It works but it comes only with front page. I have tried to set up few menu and contact us page through few tutorials but I am not able to page as per module position 12 and others as well.

I have installed template as below.

1. Unzipped folder.

2. Go to Joomla 2.5

3. go to as002044_quickstart folder.

4. Go to templates

5. there is 4 templates inside ( as002044 , breez , atomic , breed-20)

6. I have compressed folder named as002044 and upload it.

7. upload the extension folders.

But it doesn't look like demo site. I am doing set up pages but I am not able to set up module position 12 with read more button and link it to my choice of menu page.

If I am uploading the whole folder named unzipped me first ( the folder when I have download it after purchased) it was showing error in template installation.

here is my site link

Hello CHIRAG1912,
The quick-start package should be installed as regular Joomla installation, please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.

Thank you for your reply. I have successfully installed it on server and it looks like demo. Now I am looking for changes in pages. I want to add my own content and change of menu name etc.. How I can do that ?

I am trying to login into Joomla admin panel but I am not able to find link to login into joomla panel.

please help me out.

thank you
Hello CHIRAG1912,
The link to your admin area is:

Regards, AS Team.
we installed the template with the qick package and want to change the content for example of the start page (homepage) but we can't find the article in the admin panel. Menu points to main article with alias "homepage" but there is no such article in content section. What to do now?

regards, Caretools-Team
What is your site url please? The home page doesn't have any articles, there are custom html modules published in positions 24 and 25.

Regards, AS Team.

Is there any way to change the favicon?
I tried the method Joomla described in their documentation, but I can't see to get it to work.

Thank you,
As we told you in our previous post it takes some time, what is your site url please and where you have put it?

Regards, AS Team.

I purchased this template yesterday. I installed it following your instructions.

After that, I updated to Joomla 3.2 and my webpage estop working. Is there any problem with this update?

Can you please provide us with more info? What about your Joomla admin panel, is it working?

Regards, AS Team.
When I updated to Joomla 3.2, every time I've tried to log in the backend I've received the following message:

"Fatal error: Call to a member function isAdmin() on a non-object in .../plugins/authentication/cookie/cookie.php on line 51"

My admin page shows a blank page with that message (after I activated the debug mode)
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Joomla 5 Product
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