Joomla! Template 002044 - Item Support

thank you very much
it is perfect now , but I should know how did you do that as I am a developer and may I will download the installation package again later ..
there are some problems like the images that you use in your template like arrows in services module ..
so if we can't change its direction , I think we should keep the ltr css activated ..
did I explain the problem clearly ?
thanks in advance :)
as I am working locally then I upload my work to online ..
Hello CAVEMAN86,
All changes were done in the 'templates/as002044/css/rtl.css' file, the images position on the services page you have to change in the articles, just replace the class right to the left.

Regards, AS Team.
thank you very much ..
but I want to add a category to "gallery" or "Medical Experience" , I tried to add a categories and articles but it didn't work !
and I want to show "lang switcher" between menu items section and logo section , I tried to give a specific cloumn width for menus items and for logo and for "lang switcher" then set the ordering but it didn't work too !
please help me
Hello CAVEMAN86,
For our services please contact us using the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
ok ..
I just want to add a new category to the gallery !
Hello CAVEMAN86,
Have you added the category under the Our Experience category?

Regards, AS Team.
at first thanks for your help ..
sure I've added a category ..
dear , the problem is that the new category doesn't appear at the category bar -besides 'show all' - , I think there are a restriction condition in the for loop in the helper.php ..
I didn't touch the code until I hear from you if there any setting may solve this issue before
anyway , thanks for your corporation
Hello CAVEMAN86,
Category 4 you can preview on the second page, in case to show all images on one page you have to increase Intro Articles parameter under the menu item blog layout tab from 12 to the number of total articles or higher.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS TEAM,

I try the all time to install Quickstart package on my localhost to get the template as the demo.
I try it with sampledata.

The installation does not come to the end. (stop by 40%) then no changes

I have read all the documentation about it

How to do it, may be otherwise?

OS: Windows 10
PHP Version 5.6.26

Best Regards,
Try to increase PHP memory limit and execution time on your local server. In the php.ini file please find and increase values for memory_limit and max_execution_time parameters.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS Team,

Thank u very much.
I have installed successfully the Quickstart package on my localhost.

BUT, When I start it, I come into site mod's.

How can I go administrator front to customize my template?

Best Regards
Sorry, not quite understand your question, can you please provide us with more info?

Regards, AS Team.
I did it
Dear AS Team

I would like to position the language switcher over the menu, left parallel to the logo.
What is the position in the template?

Do you have a picture showing the positions in the template?

The template module positions table you can preview here:

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS-Team,

I have located the Lang- Switcher in AS-Position-4
It comes on the left of AS-Position-4
I would like to locate it always on right.
What I have to Do?

Best Regards
It can be done by creating your css in the style.custom.css file.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear As-Team,

I would like to change the title "Mission 1" on Home Page.


'Our Mission' is a page heading which can be removed in the Joomla admin panel -> Menus -> Main Menu -> Home -> Page Display -> Page Heading parameter.

Regards, AS Team.
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