Joomla! Template 002045 - Item Support

Good morning!

I want to know if there is not solution about the issue with VirtueMart, to change with a templet similar that I watched:

In this one, can I create products with the same order and equal of this section of this link,

Likewise I am not hurry to make it with function (ecommerce) the most important it is to show the web site like a catalog with: Images, description, technical datasheet, and price, please.

You can, edit safe path in VirtueMart -> Configuration -> Templates -> Safe Path

Make sure this directory has writing permissions.

You can use Virtue Mart as catalog only.

Regards, AS Team.
good afternoon

♦ VirtueMart -> Configuration -> Templates -> Safe Path: OK ✔
/home/barhenadominio/public_html/vmfiles/ ✔

♦ Directory has writing permissions. ✔ ok

And I have same problem, in the VirtueMar the categories be created, but when I go to create new product, this one doesn’t save and neither at the moment to push (save and close), likewise when I tried to edit the products that existed by defected.

Please help me.
I can solve the problem, edit a product, delete the price table and save.
Thank you for your support.
I'll tell You if i have another problem.

We glad you solved the problem.

Regards, AS Team.

I just bought this template in order to save time for configuring all the modules but I discover now that these modules are not installed and configured by default. What did I pay for then???
I looked in the documentation, it only says where modules are placed but there are no details on configuration and CSS and such.
What is the difference then with the free version??

In addition to my previous comment, this is what is on your website:

This template is tailored for the variety of online shopping sites. It is delivered with proper arrangement of content, clearly-defined featured blocks, stylish background in contrasts to effective page elements. With the responsive layouts your customers would be able to contact your site from their mobile and tablet devices. The template will help you build your eCommerce site in no time to your liking with minimal effort.

"proper arrangement of content"? I do not have any content when doing the quick install. What gives?

Our suggestion is to install it using quick-start installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page and it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.
The package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, here you can find some more info:

Regards, AS Team.
That is odd, I did the quickstart install, but the site was empty. I will try to install it one more time,

Hello BCNX1971,
We think you forgot to install template sample data during the finalization step.

Regards, AS Team.

indeed, you are right, my apologies,

You have successfully completed the installation, but when viewing the website the following message is displayed: "1146 - Table 'bdferret. # __ virtuemart_products_en_en' does not exist".
How do I solve this impasse.
What is your website url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.
The URL is
The installation was done with the file "as002045_quickstart"
When it happened? Did you make some some updates or deleted some virtuemart content?

Regards, AS Team.
Initially install only joomla and then update the template "as002045_template".
The result did not show the view of the pantilla as the demo of you.

Uninstall it and then install as002045_quickstart with the option to delete the database
What is your server PHP version? Can you please provide s with an access to your Joomla admin panel? The access info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
The php version is 7.1
Please downgrade your server PHP version to 7.0.21, virtuemart is not fully compatible yet with the latest PHP version.

Regards, AS Team.
The server is already configured with php 7.0.
Should I reinstall "as002045_quickstart"?
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