Joomla! Template 002048 - Item Support

You can see it under template info in the template manager, maybe you have used it before? Or replaced by mistake templateDetails.xml file?

Regards, AS Team.
Ok, don't know why it happened, but now it works fine. Thanks a lot!

please, how to change the background color (white) to turn black?

Thank you very much for your reply.

Hello LOOPING333,
We are sorry, the template doesn't have such option, you have to create
your own css and put it in the style.custom.css file.

Regards, AS Team.

Thank you for your idea it Works

Thank you again.


What changes are affecting the responsiveness of the template?

Please can you e-mail me when you respond to this? I have only ever received one e-mail notification from this site.

Kind regards

We are sorry, your question is too general, can you please provide us with more info?
We are sending you an email each time after publishing a new post, please check your junk folder or replace an email address, the address you can change in your AS profile.

Regards, AS Team.

How to disable the textes on the slider (Mj-Slideshow) please, only image only interest me.
Can you help me please?

Thank you in advance.

Hello LOOPING333,
We are not using this extension anymore, in the latest version it was replaced with Revolution slider. Can you please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel for checking if it is possible to remove the text in the Mj-Slideshow.
The access info please put in the special info area under your purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.

problem RESOLVED
Thank you anyway.
Here's the result here:

again thank you

I am sorry but my question is 'general' because your original answer was unhelpful. It feels like half of the time I ask for support, I get referred to the developer team i.e. to spend more money. All I need is some support as I would expect from a company that I have purchased a number of templates from.

You told me that the css code had changed and that had caused the template to be unresponsive. I am asking which code change has caused this.

I have only ever received one e-mail from you. Something isn't working with the site for some reason.
We are sorry, but your question is related to site customization, our support team is not able to help you in this case, we are not providing customization services for free.
Your site looks completely different from our demo preview, it means you made changes in the template source code. You can take the original template files and compare them in case to find where this problem come from.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS,

I'm using this template at The search box on the home page is a little larger than it should be. Also, if you do a search from that box, the next page has a search box that is very thin and you can't see the text you enter there. I've verified that this is not a problem with other templates and I just uninstalled my old version of this template and re-installed a newly downloaded one. Any idea how I can fix this?


It is because the installed extension do not have css or it rewrites the template css. In your case you have to create your own css and put it in the style.custom.css file.

Regards, AS Team.
Oh... Somehow I didn't receive the notification about the answer. I'm not asking about the dummy text, I'm asking about the text on the "Read more" button. Compare the screenshots. On your template the text on button is "Read more: Cum sociis natoque" while on the default template it is "Подробнее"... Cum sociis natoque". "Read more:" is one of the strings in the translation package and should be translated in your template too. I wonder why it doesn't happen.
Sorry, so what should be translated 'Read more' or ' Cum sociis natoque'?

Regards, AS Team.
Hm.. Didn't see that the cyrillic word turned into "?????????". 'Read more' should be translated. As well as these "In" and "posted by" phrases on this page (that's an article).
So it seems that translation of the standard Joomla strings doesn't work at all.
Can you please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel for checking this issue. The info please put in the Special info area under your purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
If by some reason some content is not translated you can always override it in your Joomla admin panel -> Language Manager -> Overrides, we added 2 new constants, please check.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks a lot for your support! I tried the same thing before, but with no luck, maybe I used wrong constants to override.
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