Joomla! Template 002048 - Item Support

Well, let me be add a bit more specific.
I've found out that the conflict is with /templates/as002048/css/bootstrap.css file. If I block it with adblock, map starts to work fine. If I replace bootstrap.css file with that one from - it works fine (but looks awful).
So, if your template comes with a customized bootstrap.css file which interferes with a popular library (LeafletJS), I think I should contact you for the solution.
OK, it was

/* Extending Bootstrap */
/* Max Width */
max-width: 100%;

Your extension, right? Just keep in mind, it interferes with LeafletJS.GeoJSON method.
Sorry to bother, but that's me again. =)
There is a problem with the Unite Revolution Slider. Lots of buttons in the backend do not work in Joomla 3.3.0. According to the website of the developers, this problem is already fixed in the recent update. But how can I update it, I wonder?
There is 2 option how to fix this problem, purchase the latest version from developers website and reinstall it:
Or, download the latest quick-start package from your AS account and re-upload it on your server, please do not forget about backup.

Regards, AS Team.

We recently upgraded our Joomla Installation to 3.3.
Now Revolution Slider does not work any more in the backend.
I found an artcle wich points aout, that there ist a conflict between Revolution Slider less than 4.2 and Joomla 3.3.

Is there a way to get the latest Version of Revolution Slider for this template?

best regards

Frank Hofmann
BA DE DA Haus mit System
Hello BADEDA2014,
We have rights to include the slider into quick-start package only, it means you have to download the latest quick-start package from your AS account and re-upload it on your server, please do not forget about backup.
Or you can purchase independent license from the developer site and the reinstall it:

Regards, AS Team.
can you please tell me how I AS template styles in Editer accessible'm doing. Currently I use TinyMce. Normally I ask this but one under plugins> TinyMCE> own css. But which one is the standart css file? tmpl.defaul.css or style.general.css or another. Or is it better to copy all css files into one large file and to nenen editor.css and to use this?

Note: The template is top, but it would be even better if the whole would be better documented (eg more comments in the css code, examples)

Karl, Munich
You can put your css in the style.custom.css files, it will rewrite css from tmpl.default.css file and style.general.css files.

Regards, AS Team.

I did exatly that, downloaded the latest quickstartpackage and installed it.
But ist was not valid for Joomla 3.3.
There was revolution slider 4.1.3 included and this makes conflict with Jo 3.3

best regards
Frank Hofmann
BA DE DA Haus mit System
Hello BADEDA2014,
Please download it one more time, the package was updated yesterday.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear All

In which module/article is the google maps code stored? In other words, where do I find this maps thing?

The Google Maps settings you can change in your Joomla admin panel -> Extensions -> Plugin Manager -> Google Maps.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS,

I wasn;t looking for the goolemaps plugin, but for the module/article you guys stored the map in in the demo. Can't find it.
It is in component, you can find it in your Joomla admin panel -> Components -> Contacts -> Contact Us -> Miscellaneous Information

Regards, AS Team.
I have another question, can you tell me how to set the breadcrumb - "selected menu title" on or off? In your demo, it is off for the home menu, and on for the others. Can';t seem to figure how you did that

You have to make assignment to the module, you can do it under Menu Assignment tab.

Regards, AS Team.
Was wondering how I could change the colour of the grey letters on the slideshow in AS-position5 in the following sitehttp://


We are sorry, we don't see our template on this site.

Regards, AS Team.
One strange thing. In the contact component, if I select to hide Contact List, the whole Contact information disappears if Display format is set to Plain. That happens with that menu item that was present in the quick install package as well. With tabbed display format the additional info shows fine, but the Contact Form disappears as well.
Problem seems to be template-specific.
Could you help me to solve it?
Well, I've fixed it myself.
There are mistakes in PHP code that is responsible for showing com_contacts. Checking 'show_contact_list' instead of 'show_email_form', some strange things in if-endif blocks... If I choose to hide email form, 'contact_misc' div hides as well.
So, I fixed it form me, fix it for others, please.
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