Joomla! Template 002048 - Item Support


I'm trying to change font size in the top menu and article link headers (i.e. in category archives). Couldn't find it in CSS, changing in General Configuration Parameters doesn't work either.

Thanks in advance!
What is your website url please?

Regards, AS Team.
The menu font size you can change here (line 47):

ul.sf-menu > li > a,
ul.sf-menu > li > span
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 20px;
color: #464646;
display: block;
margin: 0 15px;
padding: 15px 0 5px;
font-weight: 500;

The headings can be changed here (line 1847):

.page-blog p.item_title
line-height: 36px;
font-size: 26px;
letter-spacing: -1px;
font-weight: normal;

You can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Firefox Web Development tools or Firebug Lite for Google Chrome

Here you can find some info of using firebug tool:

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you!
I'm creating a new module to place it in position30 and change it to another one in the same position. the question is that the new module, is on top of the others and not on the side as I want it to be seen.
Thank you

It seems you did not set the module bootstrap column size, the parameter you can find under the module advanced options tab, it should be set to 3 columns.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, I cant install the as002048_quickstart
I'm using xampp-win32-7.2.6-0-VC15

please advice
there is an remark : Mcrypt Support No
joomla said install php mcrypt extension or enable
Hello AMEDTT1015,
Can you install default Joomla package from website?

Regards, AS Team.
Yes, I can install default joomla normally
Hello AMEDTT1015,
For checking this issue we need an access to your server via cPanel, the access info please put in the Specil info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you AS Team,
This happened during installing the joomla with " quick start file"on local PC ( create website ).

I have experience use the template at my another web and it's succeed. the web is
Hello AMEDTT1015,
Sorry, we cannot help you when you are trying to install the package on your localhost. You have some configuration problems, try to check your localhost server error log, it should help you.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS team,
Have you ever receive the same case like what i got ? please share how they solve the problem.

What version Xampp that you the "quick start" could installed properly ?
Hello AMEDTT1015,
We have wampserver 3.1.1, PHP 7.0.10, MySQL 5.7.14 everything is working just fine. You have to check your server logs.

Regards, AS Team.
Good Day
How to Publish Language Switcher at top modules positions? I installed Portugues language and English, publish it, but don´t show the switcher.
Please need help!
You can publish it in position 3 or 4, do not forget to set bootstrap column size under the module advanced options tab, the total columns for one row is 12

Regards, AS Team.
1. I tried to publish it in position 3 or 4, but no sucess. can you help me how to install and enable Switcher language?

2. I need to install modules or componentes to download documents from my website(PDF, WORd, etc) which one do you sugest?

Or send me manual with instrution to complete my website.

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Joomla 5 Product
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