Joomla! Template 002051 - Item Support

Great, thanks.
Am having a problem instaling the sample data , it either taking too long or returns a database error .this when using quickstart .
if i skip the sample data the username and password i provided for the admin is not correct.
What kind of error are you receiving and where you installing it: on your localhost or on your hosting server?

Regards, AS Team.
in my localhost when installing the quickstart at main configuration i created a database name "spezy" username"spez installing sample data it bring the following error "Some errors occurred while populating the database: Table 'spezy.qj9qu_usergroups' doesn't exist SQL=/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `qj9qu_usergroups` ENABLE KEYS */"
when idont instal the sample data at the login to adminitration it give me errors as follows "

JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID: 505
JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID: 505
You do not have access to the administrator section of this site.

this is after i gave the right securities during instalation.
In case to help you we need to have an access to your server, thank You.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello support,

Where can I change the "Login Form", "Billing & Shipping Information" and "Order Information" in the CART to my own language ?



You can change it in


Regards, AS Team.
Hello Support,

The pictures shown in de TOP SALES are not shown on an iPad and different other Android devices. Also if you install the data from ASTemplates it doesn't work.

No clue where to look.

Thanks in advance,


Please provide us with URL, we have to see this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
how to change strings in VirtualMart? I installed every kind of translation pack and it works good, but some strigs was not translated. For example: when I enter into cart or account I see: "Login Form" instead "Zaloguj" or "Billing & Shipping Information" instead "Opłaty oraz wysyłka". I was looking for file responsible by this strings, but I cannot find it.
Hello KAKA1990,

You can edit it in following files :

html / com_virtuemart / cart / default_pricelist.php

html / comm_virtuemart / user /login.php

Regards, AS Team.
Can this template to work in Bulgarian?
Hello GEC2010,

You have to check this option here :

Regards, AS Team.
Templates include all the extensions works with the demo? Is that enough to run a online store?

Thank you!
Hello GEC2010,
Yes, this template includes all extensions and components, as well it includes quick-start installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview and you will be able to run your own store.
Regards, AS Team.
Hello! I asked for help regarding the template you have purchased. I wrote in the comments to this pattern, but no reply received. I ask you to deal with my problem
We are sorry, but we can't see any questions from you, here is your questions history:

Regards, AS Team.
Prompt as a module called "Follow Us" which is located at the bottom right?
Can you please provide with more info about your problem?

Regards, AS Team.

This template fits all of our needs, however, before we purchase, there are a few questions we have... the first two questions look obvious but I'm going to ask anyway!

1) It doesn't mention it is responsive... is it?
2) It says this is for Joomla 2.5. Will it work well in Joomla 3.0 and higher?
3) Do the sliders have the capability of being clickable?

If this template is not responsive or will not work well with Joomla 3.0 and higher, is there another template that is very similar with these qualities?

Thank you.
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Joomla 3 Product
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