Joomla! Template 002052 - Item Support


I just bought the above template...i installed the AS ArtSlider but i don't know where i sould put the images i'd like to display...the only thing that is shown the loader pic...i need help if it is possible...i thought that the pictures i want to display should be put in the folder images on the module file but it didn't work....some help anyone??
Hello NPAPAS84,
The extension allows you to display article's intro image with the article title and intro text.
Our suggestion is install the template using the quickstart package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page, please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
ok...thanks alot...
Dear all,

I need a little help with configuring the template. ( purchased the extended version)
For my website i want to configure as-position-6 identical to the demo version.
Unfortunately couldnt use the quickstart version.

How to configure the parameters for the module as-position-6 and what html code to use to achieve the same effect?

thx :)
In the module position 6 we have installed articles newsflash module with the following code:

<img src="images/sampledata/asimages/img.home1.png" alt="" />
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec facilisis consequat tellus a fermentum. Maecenas convallis, nunc eget porttitor.
<hr id="system-readmore" />
Aliquam ac egestas dui. Vestibulum quis magna eu elit mollis cursus vel nec dolor. Mauris consectetur, elit ac faucibus commodo, ante dolor consectetur libero, at volutpat purus mi non metus. Curabitur pellentesque dapibus nunc, quis auctor urna dignissim sit amet.

We suggest you to install the quick-start package on some demo server in case to see all installed modules, source code and parameters.

Regards, AS Team.
The template when published posts the class script right in the template.
"< class="moduletable navigation ">"
Of course the actual class name changes depending on what type of module is being published. Now granted I haven't yet purchased the extended version. I wasn't planning on doing that until I had a chance to try it out first. Can anyone explain why it is doing this.
It is compatible with Joomla 3 only.

Regards, AS Team.
i would like to change the background of the as menu. I want every menu item to have a background such as the one of the active menu item.
Sorry, for the customization please use the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
I can not install the package with quickstart joomla 2.5.
once I load the package creates conflict with the administration panel and I can not give the template the default.
Hello TOBIA84,
We are sorry, this template is not compatible with Joomla 2.5 version.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello TOBIA84,
In case to have your site looks exact like our demo preview you have install it using quick-start installation package, please see the template documentation for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
I purchased the premium tamplete. I have everything installed correctly.
I installed all the modules but my website is not as your default.
how should I do to have everything the same as yours?
I purchased the premium template and I would like to get an invoice.
How can I get this?
Please contact us using the following page and provide with your company name, address, contact info and the invoice will be send to you ASAP.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks for the quick answer.
Regards, Gabi Juhasz
I try to install the single articles module but it doesn't work.
This error message appear:
JInstaller: :Install: File does not exist C:xampphtdocsszigliget mpinstall_524e83e3c713blanguageen-GBen-GB.mod_articles_single.ini"
Could you help me?

Thank You for noticing about the problem, the issue was fixed, please download the updated version and try again.

Regards, AS Team.

I i want the text in position 16 to look like a text when used in position 23, how do i do it ?
Are there any module class suffix i can use for that ?

There is no any suffix, you have to create your own css, you can try to copy css of the position 23.

Regards, AS Team.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
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Extended License

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