Joomla! Template 002053 - Item Support

Hello AS Team,

I just realized all I needed to do was to make a new menu for a top page! No need the reply anymore.

Silly me and I'm a newbie in Joomla.
Sorry for bugging you many times, I no longer need the reply for my last question.

Thank you for your time & help.
Hello again AS Team,

I have a question to ask.
The submenu (when on-click) on the main menu goes under the images shown in a gallery module.

Not sure which side of the problem it is, but could I have your opinion?
Is this as simple as adjusting z-index in a css file?

My site is:

Thank you for your help.
Hello RICOLA510,

Try to put following code in css/tmpl.custom.css

z-index: 5 !important;

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

Thank you! It's all working perfectly.
Hello AS,
i just bought this template but i want it to look like your demo. In the installation descripition you write that:

To make your Joomla! site look like our live demo please, you have to install all necessary modules and config them through the Joomla! administration panel.

Where can i do that from? Where about in the administration panel?

Hello CS071372,
Our suggestion is to install it using quick-start installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview page and it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.

Regards, AS Team.
i tried to transfer the whole quick-start installation package via the FTP, but after everything is moved i try to reload my website but i only get a blank page. What is that for? And also the path of my website gets redirected:

my website.

when i reload i get:
Hello CS071372,
We think some if files during the transferring were corrupted, try to upload quick-start zip file first and then to unzip it on your server.

Regards, AS Team.
upload it from where? Via the FTP? in the /httpdocs? And then i can just unzip it in there?

Hello CS071372,
Yes, you have to upload it in your root folder and then unzip.

Regards, AS Team.

i still have problems with the installation. I run throught all the steps as you mention, with only difference that i chose "blog english sampe data" instead of "default", i dont know whether that has an impact to my problem. So after the installation finished and went to the site i dont see anything similar to your demo. The template seems to be the beez2 template of Joomla by default. and i dont think the modules and the components are there.
please any idea about that?
Hello CS071372,
You have to choose Default Sample Data, please carefully read the following page 'Main Configuration' paragraph:

Regards, AS Team.
I just started over the whole process from the beginning (transfering the data via the FTP etc ) and everything worked fine this time.

Thanks for your quick replies and help!

Hello AS Team

This is my website:

On the top - right side of home page there are 'MY CART' and 'ACCOUNT' links. Please tell me, in which file i can change the names of those links? For exaple i want to put 'KOSZYK'(that's the polish equivalent) intead of 'MY CART'.


Hello AN123NA,

You can edit it in Menues / vmAccount.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks for your help.

Hello AS Team,

I have problems with placing vertical menus on left hand side column.
I tried a couple of different types of vertical menus, it seems there's CSS conflict? None of the menu is showing up properly.

It usually gets loads of ">" signs, or sub menu is not showing or showing in wrong positions.

These vertical menu are not your products, but I was wondering if you could point out what could be the problem, whether it's the menu side or template side of problem?

Here is the URL to the page:

There's a vertical menu on left called "ARI Ext Menu".
This should look like this;

Thank you for your help in advance!
Hello RICOLA510,

Sorry, we are not providing support for the third party extensions.

In this case you can order our customization services :

Regards, AS Team.
Hi dear.
I tried to test User area and shopping system but the system will not let me to register as a new user and shows Error page bellow:
403 - Access Forbidden
best regards

You have to allow user registration in User Manager - Options.

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 3 Product
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