Joomla! Template JMF Cigar - Item Support

I just install the template JF cigar in to my shop. I have some problems. I get :
config:layouts/fields/ not found in paths: [/home/users/geometra/public_html/winiarz/firma_2/templates/jmf_cigar/layouts, /home/users/geometra/public_html/winiarz/firma_2/templates/jmf_cigar/warp/systems/joomla/layouts, /home/users/geometra/public_html/winiarz/firma_2/templates/jmf_cigar/warp/layouts] in /home/users/geometra/public_html/winiarz/firma_2/templates/jmf_cigar/warp/helpers/template.php on line 53

and I can not save the template setings.

Hello, I used to work with your templates since I always buy from you.
The problem is that with AsTemplate I ever made e-commerce site, so I would like to have some information if you like me.
First I would like to know if you should download a module or an extension other than joomla to run this e-commerce site, are what Virtuemart 2.0 is included in the pack? it need more extensions or modules or plugins to run the cart and purchasing?
Are what the Quickstart Package provided us All that is necessary for the proper functioning of a store?
I'm sorry for all these questions but it is a first time for me with the e-commerce joomla, I think joomla is very able because I love joomla but I've never done e-shop so you must excuse all my questions are very important to me.

Thank you by advance for your answer.

Dear AS,

Is it possible to get Quickstart site as in 002050 template?

I don't have sample data set for installed quickstart.

Best Regards
The quick-start is included in the package, you have just unzip the downloaded file and then look for file.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS,

Thank You very much, I forgot to click button to load sample data in the end of installation, sorry :)

Best Regards
Dear AS,

In responsive mode (for example for IPhone) , menu list is a partly covered by a slider banner, could You please help with that issue?

Best Regards SHEMECK
Do I have to use Virtuemart with this template or will it still be easily adaptable with Joomshopping?
ERROR: The chosen template couldnt found on the filesystem: jmf_Cigar

Please leek at and click on buy cigars and VM chop categories. I get the error at the top of the page.

Also get the same message on shopping cart.


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Item Name:
JMF Cigar
Item Version:
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