Joomla! Template 002054 - Item Support

What is your site url please, we have to see the source code.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team

the site url

In addition to the color of the background in posts should be in white.

We just checked the parameters on our test server, everything is working fine. Your site has different from original colors, have you managed to change them using the configuration parameters?

Sorry, there is no parameter for changing body color, you have to make changes by yourself in css files or ask for our services.

Regards, AS Team.

Hi AS team

thanks for the reply. Which css file are usually affected, for example if I want to change the color of the body, or the font size and the alignment in my posts.

Your question is too general, but you can easy identify it by using Firebug tool for Firefox browser:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS team,

the site URL I am talking about is:

I got a problem with the as-position-6 row, showing the diffrent featured categories.

As you can see on the page featured 3 and 4 are the same. This happens as long as i have featured 4 (which is Health Insurance) enabled. Featured 3 is originally titled Microchip.

I really cannot find where the problem is originated nor am i aware that i caused it...

Furthermore i have a strange behaviour in featured 6 article (in comparison to 1-5)... it does not open in an "new" window, but just pops up under the featured row.

A little hint would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Hello GEORGP78,
Please carefully check all publishing options in your articles, all options should be absolutely identical, we are sure you have missed something in the options.

Regards, AS Team.
Good afternoon. I have purchased the template as002054 installed in Joomla! 3.1.5 Stable Version of PHP .4.23, and the problem is that in s templates that template is not displayed, and only look Beez3 protostar. The return to install and tells me this installed. What is the problem? .. thanks
Hello SHASSA03,
Have you installed it using quick-start installation package?
Please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello. Let me know because I can not see the map of google map in this template. In the menu I have put a single contact and this contact contacts custom output component google_map I put {} and there is no way to leave. I tested with and mospam either. (The contact is advertised .....) Any solution
Hello SHASSA03,
Our suggestion is install the template using QuickStart installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo site and you will be able to preview all settings.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello. I have installed the quick-start installation package that comes with the template.
Hello SHASSA03,
What is your site url please. If you have installed it using quick-start installation package you can see it on the Contacts page.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello. Currently I have a subdomain've also installed the version 3 map and does not work. I've put in contact {google_map} in either versions 2.0 and 3.0 and neither.
Thanks ....
Hello SHASSA03,
The url you have provided to us is not working, please check.
You don't need reinstall google map plugin if you installed the template using quick-start installation package, the package already has it.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, You can upgrade Joomla. Thanks ....
Hello SHASSA03,
Yes you can, please don't forget to make backup before the upgrade in case if something will go wrong.

Regards, AS Team.
Are you able to make the template available for intranet use?
We don't see any problems with using it for intranet?

Regards, AS Team.
How would I adjust the font size for the main menu?
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Joomla 5 Product
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This item may be used for a single domain only.
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