Joomla! Template 002055 - Item Support

How to edit the ggogle map on contact us page
Hello BSURE123S,
The plugin documentation you can find here:

Regards, AS Team.
I'm having trouble uploading this to our site. When i'm logged into to our website I went to extensions and clicked on "install" package file but it said it failed....Do i need to unzip the file first? Lost..please help!
Nm I just read that it has to be unzipped before installing it to the server. thanks.
I unzipped the folder but now have no idea what to do. I logged into joomla for our website but do not know what to upload now an extension to have this template? Please help!
Hello PAIGEB7,
It looks like you have not purchased this item, please ask your questions on appropriated template comments page.

Regards, AS Team.
Yes I paid $24 for this. I have a receipt. Who can I contact for help?
Hello PAIGEB7,
You have to ask your questions on appropriated template comments page.
We don't see item 002046 under your account.

Regards, AS Team.

I downloaded to free version of your 002055 template to test out before purchase. When I enable the main menu on template, the following code portion been displayed instead to correct menu.

"< class="moduletable _menu ">

Our Work


My testing website is on

Please let me know what was the error.
What Joomla version do you have? It is compatible with Joomla 3.x only.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks for reply.

I checked it with v 3.x. Still I can not make a menu similar to your demo in the position "as-position-02".

Is it also limited to your premium version???
We are sorry, we are not providing support to our free items.

Regards, AS Team.

Now I have the 002055 licensed version.

I installed the as002055_quickstart package. Everything seems to be OK on it except the "AS Menu" Section.

Though I alter the parameter values (like font color) and save it, the menu not change from it's default color and format.

What could be the problem?
The menu parameters rewrites accordingly to the template design, in case to change them you have to edit ext.asmenu.css file which can be found in the css folder of the template.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you!
If am I buy the template, the demo page online will be available to download and use on my site?
Yes, the template comes with quick-start installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact lie our demo preview page.

Regards, AS Team.
Customer support.

I downloaded and installed this full version template, but I cannot seem to get the sample data in place. So, I uploaded the sample data 002055 template.sql and imported into my current Joomla 3.0 install; the whole site broke.

So, I guess I need help in figuring out what variables to change in the sample data 002055 template.sql file so that it matches the current MySQL db that is currently working on the system.

The next item would be to know which files / directories to copy to the Joomla directory so that the sample data runs well. By this, I mean which directories from the as002055_quickstart I should copy over to the live site after the MySQL file was updated.


In your case we can just suggest you to reinstall Joomla with the quick-start installation package, it includes not only a sample data (sql dump file), but as well all extensions.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks for such QUICK reply !! I tried installing the quick start installation package, but I got an error. Do I need to do this manually ?

JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file

Video here:

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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
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