Joomla! Template 002055 - Item Support

thank you very much for your help, thanks to you I could solve the problem.

thank you again


please, how to combine our image gallery in our gallery, that is to say, add images to the gallery
thank you in advance for your answer


please, how to combine our gallery of images in our gallery, that is to say, add images to the gallery.

I want when I create an article in the gallery I could tell him or is the image and how the image is called, I can create articles but I do not know how to appear the image (example: http: / /

or the file is: <img alt="" src="/images/sampledata/asimages/services/thumb.service.1.png"> IT OR PLEASE

thank you in advance for your response

Hello LOOPING333,
We are sorry, not quite understood your question, can you please provide us with more info?

Regards, AS Team.

thank you for your reply, here the problem is that I want to add photos to the gallery page:

To do this I create another article but Commes indicate has this artcile or is the photo that was added in 'services' folder in the images? (image path).

In the folder (FTP) my site / images / sampleData / asimages / services ... I put my images, but how to tell my new column for the path to the image? that file if you like me to show image path to my new product?
thank you for your help.

very cordialemnt ..


merci pour votre reponse, ici le probleme est que je veux ajouter des photos a la galerie page:

Pour ce faire, je cree un autre article mais Comment indiquer a cette article ou est la photo qui a ete ajoute dans le dossier 'services'

Dans le dossier (FTP) mon site / images / sampleData / asimages / services ... Je mets mes images, mais comment dire a mon nouvelle article le chemin de l'image?
dites moi s'il vous plais quelle fichier je doit modifie pour rajouter mes nouvelles images de ce nouvelle article ?
Merci pour votre aide.

tres cordialement ..
Hello LOOPING333,
The images used in the gallery are articles' intro images, or full articles' images if you open an article in a new window, please see the following page for more info, you need paragraph Images and Links:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello!, I love this template. Thanks so much.

I have a little problem with the copyright message in the footer position. It appear like this: COPYRIGHT © 2013 WORK

In others webs of AS Templates, when I change the title of the web, the copyright changes automaticaly.

Could you say me where can I change this?

Thanks in advance!

Thank You for noticing about this issue. It will be fixed in the next version.
All what you have to do is to edit the template's index.php file, please find the following lines (lines 263-265):

<div id="trademark">
Copyright &copy; 2013 work

and replace with

<div id="trademark">
Copyright &copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?> <?php echo $app->getCfg('sitename'); ?>

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, I just bought the full version of this template, including AS Menu und AS ArtSlider.
I have a problem with the AS Menu, even if I change the parameters for the color or the size of the font, it won't change anything in the template.

The Menu always apperas black and blue.

Second Problem:
Where exactly can I change the size (height) of AS-Position-5?
I can change the size of the boarder for the pictures in the options of ArtSlider (Slider Options). But it seams to be, that the size of AS-Position-5 is fixed.

Could you please give me a hint, how to solve this two issues?

You can try my site here:

Many Thanks, great works!
Cheers, Marc
1. It is because the menu is specially designed for this template, you can't rewrite some of parameters but you can change them in the file.

2. The position 5 height is depends on the Height parameter in the AS ArtSlider module -> Slider Settings panel.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello there,

Thanks a lot for your help. So I will change the parameters for the menu in the css.file you named me.

About the ArtSlider Height Parameter:
If I change the height from 50% to 100%, the height is increasing for the position - Correct.
But, if I reduce it to for example to 10%, as I did now, there is still at least the same height remaining white under the picture, before the next position 2 start.

You can see the effect on my site now. I will leave it on 10%, until you can provide me a answer. Hopefully you will find the bug.

Thanks a lot
The current version is designed to have min height of 200px, as well we used min-height property which is 453px, you can change it by editing tmpl.default.css file the following class:

#slider-row .container {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;
min-height: 453px;
padding: 0 35px;
position: relative;

Regards, AS Team.
You made my day! Thanks a lot!
I accessed the Call Us module in order to edit the phone number and remove some of the social media links. Upon my surprise the <li> tags were empty except for the phone number. Yet the social media links were showing on my site. I went to add them back in and edit the phone number(I used the View Source on your template demo site to see the code missing) and upon hitting Save, what I had inputted for the <li> tags disappeared and only the edit to the phone number remained. When I checked the site, the social media links were not there, only the change to the phone number. I have tried to add the missing code in a few times and it does not work. Please help!

Can you please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel for checking this issue? The info please put in the special info area under your purchased items section of Your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Ok I have done as you have requested. Thanks!
By some reason, in the latest Joomla version the default editor removes all social icons, the problem was resolved by creating a new social menu.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks! Looks great!
I am having problems with Google Maps. I have updated the plugin to the latest version to see if that would fix it but it has not. The problem I am having is when I set the control type to user and then set the map control to Large or 3-D Large the icon of the person and the scale is barely visible and distorted on the map...the same is noticeable on the Overview window, the controls are barely visible and distorted. Please have a look and let me know what I need to change in my settings or if its another issue. Thanks.
Yes, we know about this problem, unfortunately we was not able to resolve it, it looks like the extension has some bug or conflict, in this case you can disable the slider control and use instead mouse control only.

Regards, AS Team.
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