Joomla! Template 002057 - Item Support

Yes, we was not able to connect to the db you provided to us.

Regards, AS Team.
The pwd you can find in the configuration.php file on your server.

Regards, AS Team.

Thank you very much!

astemplate 100%
I need some information, please.

I saw that in joomla4, the appearance of "our services" has changed compared to joomla3. Personally, I prefer the look of joomla3 (image - title (hyperlink to article) - brief description)).

Is it possible to change the appearance of "our services" to be the same as joomla3 (via control panel)? If so, can you tell me where it would be?

note: if you have to edit the site files (.php/etc) you can ignore it.
You can try to show it as a list, the option you can find under Blog Layout menu item, look for Layout mode parameter.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, I have a problem with the website, what did I do with my test environment:
I updated the joomla extension
I updated joomla from 3.10.11 to 4.4.3 vi admin panel without errors
I updated the template files 002057 via ftp
I updated AS add-ons
my problem is error 500
I turned on dubug and error_reporting = 'maximum' but I don't get any errors
Can you help me because I've been working on it for 2 days now ;)
website with joomla 4 + as002057 v 4.0.1 -
original website as002057 v 1.7.0
best regards and thank you for your help
ps sorry for my written English (google)
We need an access to your Joomla admin panel please.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you for the quick info
I saved the data in My Purchased Items > special info
I have 3 templates
ver 4 - my modified site - default
ver 4-org original template
ver 1.7 - old template
You have some modules which are not supporting Joomla version 4, for example Phoca gallery or Joomla single article, try to replace it with AS Single article, as well we added more error logs, please check.

Regards, AS Team.

in our Website is shown the Update to Jommla 4. It is installed the version 3.10.

Update check indicates that Outdated Akeeba extensions detected
You have some outdated Akeeba extensions installed on your site which will not work on Joomla 4. You need to remove them before updating your site to Joomla 4.

Please use our MagicEraser software to automatically remove obsolete extensions before upgrading your site to Joomla 4.

The Update check indicates also that AcyMailing is too old and could cause problems. What can I do here, is AcyMailing necessary?

And further please update these extensions before updating Joomla.

Extension Name (Extension Type)
- file_fof40 (File)

- System - JCE MediaBox Potential Upgrade IssueMore Information
- JCE Extension Package (package)
- Akeeba Backup package (package)
- file_fef (file)
- F0F (NEW) DO NOT REMOVE (library)
- AkeebaStrapper (file)

please can you help me?

Best regards
Andreas Kotz
Yes, you need to remove all old extensions and install extensions which are compatible with the latest Joomla version, the same you should perform with our products, please do not forget to backup your website before any update.
If you are not sure how to update your website you can ask for our services here:

Regards, AS Team.

How can I update my template to the latest version? Does this version still support Jommla 3.10? So I could update the template before I upgrade from Jommla 3.10 to 4.

Is it possible to delete the database table of the incompatible extension first and then remove the extension itself?

Best regards
You have to delete the template and all incompatible extensions first, then update Joomla, and after install the template and extensions again.
You cannot delete database table.

Regards, AS Team.
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