Joomla! Template 002057 - Item Support

Our suggestion is install this template using quick-start installation package, after the package installation your site will look exact like our demo preview page, please see the following page for more info:

In our template the google-map plugin is designed to be on contacts page, if you are going to put it on other pages, probably you will need to make changes in css files.

Regards, AS Team.
I'm using a pre-installed Joomla! 3.2 Stable and I don't have direct access to phpmyadmin and mysql.
First I tried to install from the The system seemed to be working for some time, but in the end nothing happend.
So I installed the template and the extensions manually. But installing the an error occured: could not load the file to the server or so. With the other extensions and the template itself there seemd to be no problems.
But I think I need the phocagallery to show the slides in as-position-05.
What can I do to get it working?

Regards, Bert Fell
Sorry, we can't help you in this case, you have to contact your hosting provider.

Regards, AS Team.
Hallo I have bought the template everything works fine...
But your Site-Demo Content width ist about 1270 pixel....
My Sites Content width ist only about 1075....
where can I cange it so that my site content is also 1270.
Best Regards
What is your site url please , we have to see it.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, I got problems with the google map plugin. Installed the template with quickstart. After Deleting the blablabl Text out of the contact us list (the {google_map} ist still in) the google maps not working anymore.
regards Michael
It should be checked by our developers, for such kind of service please use the following page:

Or you can reinstall the quick-start package.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you for your fast Answer.
Ich have solve the problem with die conten width.
But I have a problem with the contact site.
How do you place the contact form.
Google maps work fine.
Best Regards
Our suggestion is install this template using quick-start installation package, after the package installation your site will look exact like our demo preview page, please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi guys, great template.

One question:

At modulate "as-position-7" there is a "read more" button which does not make use of my german language joomla package. Where can I change the "read more" text to a german thing like "weiterlesen"?

Thanks and regards
Hello AUGUSTA11,
You have to edit it 'en-GB.tpl_as002057.ini' file which can be found on your server in 'language/en-GB/' folder, please find the following field and replace the value with yours:


Regards, AS Team.
Perfect thank you. One other thing I do not manage to find is as following: on my website ( there is an are that is separated into two text areas. It is the part where the left part is "wer wir sind" and the right part starts with "wir verstehen sie". And in between there are 4 icons. Where are theses icons?? I checked everything but was not able to find them.

Thanks for your support.
Hello AUGUSTA11,
These icons you can find in the template images folder, for example:

Regards, AS Team.
I have a problem.... I use AS ArtSlider for the slideshow but I haven't a fullscreen effect. Also the images are align on the left.... i use class "slider"... what can i do to see this module like a demo?
Thanks a lot.
Hello AURIOL77,
Have you installed the template using quick-start installation package, if not please do it, after installing the package your site, as well slider, will look exact like our demo preview page and it will be easy for you to make any changes.

Regards, AS Team.
Yes it's a good idea but i'm working in the free template, so it's impossible to use it so i would know as i can have the same slideshow.
Thanks a lot,
Hello AURIOL77,
We are sorry, we are not providing support for our free items.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi I bought the premium package but can't use quickstart as my host installs joomla for me . So I have been trying to instal all extensions and set up modules manually. I have set up the newsflash modules BUT the only way I can get it to display is by using only one (i.e. IT Solutions) and setting it up to display 4 articles. However, even though I select the horizontal layout they just layout vertically. Is there a file in the quick start that I need to upload please?
There is no any file, but in your case is the best to install the quick-start package in some demo folder and then preview all parameters.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi again.

I wish to insert FOUR modules in position 30, but only shows three in the first row, and the fourth is below.

I have compressed all the contents of the four modules as narrow as possible, but they are so separated.

Any idea?

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