Joomla! Template 002057 - Item Support

Please check the following page, hope it will help you:

Regards, AS Team.
Buenas noches, he terminado mi pagina con esta plantilla, pero el mapa de google no funciona, es más en ninguna plantilla me funciona, que podrá ser?
Hello LUZMILA2016,
You have to obtain and set Google API key, for more info please see the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
Buenas noches, deseo cambiar el texto de READ MORE, por Leer Más, donde podría hacerlo??

y el titulo de CONTACTO , me queda siempre en CONTAC US y aunque ya cambie el titulo de la categoría, del contacto, no me cambia y lo necesito en español, donde puedo cambiarlo.

Hello LUZMILA2016,
For overriding constants please see the following page:

Contact Us is a page heading which can be removed in the Joomla admin panel -> Menus -> Main Menu -> Page menu item -> Page Display -> Page Heading parameter.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, the link you gave us about iframes:

doesn't solve our problem:

We have a Menu Item Type 'Iframe Wrapper'. The Iframe displays correctly when we click on that menu item. The problem is the height that is too short. No matter what height we put on the menu item wrapper configuration (Auto Width=No/Yes), it doesn't change anything. Maybe something on CSS ?

Other issue:

We need to have the newsletter module on the main page. The problem is that when a user subscribes, no message info is displayed. A message should appears to inform the user that the subscription was successful. In other pages it works.

Thank you.
If you interested you may ask for our customization service for checking the issue with iframe here:

Just checked the newsletters form, it is working on all pages, after subscription you can see the following message at the top of the page:
Mensagem A sua subscrição foi efetuada com sucesso

Regards, AS Team.
I have trouble installing the quickstart package.
I uploaded and extracted the files on my server. All show green as in your documentration, but when i hit install, it doesnt do anything.
Hello GEORGEP83,
Can you please let us know on which step the installation is stuck?

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS Team! How can I avoid that the Article ID or Category ID is added to the URL? I only want the names/titles in the URL. I could not find a Setting for this function. Example page in my purchased items info.
You have to create a menu item for your article, after creating it you will see the menu item alias in the url instead the category id and article name.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

But I do not want a menu, want to use the phoca Gallery with its article Picture effects (Looks good).

I found a better solution:

1.) open components/com_content/router.php

2.) search for "$advanced = $params->get('sef_advanced_link', 0);"
(2 times in this file!)

3.) replace both with "$advanced = $params->get('sef_advanced_link', 1);"
(Means Change the "0" to a "1")

Voila! The IDs are away. Hope that this can help others also.
I have to insert a Google Analytics deny function. Very important. The matching script I already put in the Header php. Now I want to insert the deactivation link into the Disclaimer page (normal article): <a onclick="alert('Google Analytics wurde deaktiviert');" href="javascript:gaOptout()">Google Analytics deaktivieren</a>

But when I insert it in Editor mode the full link-code is not saved. Only a functionless <a>Google Analytics deaktivieren</a> stays left. I think the Editor is the Problem because of filtering this automatically out.

What can I do?
Link insert question solved by changing the Editor. Can be erased.
Buenas tardes, en la página de contacto, no logro que los correos enviados desde el formulario lleguen al correo configurado, he leído las instrucciones de ustedes, pero nada, no consigo que lleguen.
Hello LUZMILA2016,
Sorry, it is not related to the template, you have to check your server logs, also you have to check your email account configuration:

Regards, AS Team.
HI AS Team,
Please help, i choose template with item no 002057, then i click "buy" menu the i pay through my paypal account, but when i go to my purchased item, the template that i just pay is item 002031.

This is not my first time to buy website template on As design, so i little bit familiar already the process. the things that i realized not normal is i did transaction twice as the first time the credit card was unsuccessful.

The template that i bought is for my client and the template paid used his Credit card and he agreed with the Item 002057.

I haven't download yet the template (002031).

Here i need the AS design team help to replace my order to the Item 002057.

I say thanks advance an waiting yours good news.


Hi Astemplates, is there any solution for above case ?

Hello AMEDTT1015,
We are sorry, we cannot provide you with exchange because the template was downloaded 2017-04-13 at 15:02:16 IP address

Regards, AS Team.
Hi As.
Actually i haven't download yet,, when I click download menu I realized that the template isn't the template I ordered.

As i know that As template could monitor whether the template use or no.

Anyway,, It's interensting to know why the template i choose changed automatic to the other template. i click buy menu on the item 002057 instead of 002031.


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