Joomla! Template 002059 - Item Support

I activated Smart Search. It currently displays the search box to the left of position 4. Where do I go to change the settings so it displays to the right of position 4?
Position 4:

in addition to showing the search box I would would like to show an image as well. When I activate both modules the display vertically (one below the other). How can I change this so the show horizontally (side by side)?
Hello VARDOG45,
This position is not designed for the search module, first you have to set bootstrap size under advanced parameters to 4 or 3 then you have to create class suffix and create for it css which will contain right floating, here you can find some info:

The created css you have to put in the style.custom.css file

Regards, AS Team.
Hi Team, is the fix ready yet?

Referring to this response:
It is known problem especially if the interval more then 5000, we are working now on resolving this problem, the testimonials extension will be replaced with News Pro GK4, the release will be done in few days, we are sorry for the inconvenience.

Regards, AS Team.]

What position in this template is best suited for the search module?
Hello VARDOG45,
It depends on your design, you can try any position.

Regards, AS Team.
Adding text under Show Title:

I would like to add some text (description) under the title for this page. Tried a few things but its not working. How do I do this?

Hello VARDOG45,
The description before page content you can put in module positions 7, 20 or 21 as a custom HTML module. All module positions you can find here:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi Team,

Has the News Pro GK4 been release yet with a fix?

Thanks for your support,
We are going to release an update next week, we are sorry for the inconvenience.

Regards, AS Team.
All of a sudden I'm getting errors related to the database. Below is the latest one. While I can run the query to fix the issue it goes away for a while and returns.

Any idea as to why this is happening and how to permanently resolve the problem

126 Incorrect key file for table '/tmp/mysqltmp/#sql_10c1_3.MYI'; try to repair it SQL=SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `tprkz_modules`
Hello VARDOG45,
We are sorry, we cant help you in this case, this msg is not related to the template, probably you installed some extension or used some characters which caused this problem.
You can ask for help Joomla community:

Regards, AS Team.
On the main Product page I have content loading in Position 7. This work fine. When I click on the lick to a specific project the page opens with the same content in Position 7.

Is there a way to have Position 7 only show on the main Projects page and not when a project is displayed?

Hello VARDOG45,
You have to create a menu items for each of your products, after you will be able to manage module assignments.

Regards, AS Team.

ON the iPad air 2 my site is not displaying right, the circles are been replaced with the social media icons on the header and some images on the left sidebar are also been replaced by other images in the site. IT IS VERY WEIRD

I purchase this template on April 2014, and I would to upgrade it.
How do I do that?

Thank you,
Can you please provide us with screenshot, we checked your site, did not see any problems.
For upgrading please contact us using the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2014-10-23

We are going to release an update next week, we are sorry for the inconvenience.

Regards, AS Team.


Hi, have you released the update for the scroll news module?

Yes, ti was replaced few days ago, the latest version you can download from your AS account, install and config the Gavick News module accordingly to the following page:

Regards, AS Team.

i have a little problem. I have made a article "Impressum" and a modul with position 35 and the name "imprssum". I have linked this. It's only one problem, link open in the start site with the picture, and the text welcome
how can i get the article in a new single window? without the home modules?

I've tried the same on another position - but it is the same problem all time. What can i do?

Hello MEMELE23,
Have yo created a menu item for this article, if no please create it.

Regards, AS Team.
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