Joomla! Template 002059 - Item Support

Due to the lot of data in the sql file, the execution time runs out before all the tables are created. Please increase the execution time in your server. For more info on how to do that please check the following page:

Regards, AS Team.

I'm having a problem with this template.

Whenever I try to change the text from the left module "Why our team", it gets misconfigured.

The original code is:

<p class="blocknumber"><span class="blocknumber">Y</span>Suscipit sem. Aliquam vulputate elit acquam tristique sit amet sceleris que eros euismod. Vestibulum dignissim accumsan.</p>

And whnever I try to change and save it, my code becames:

<p class="&quot;blocknumber&quot;"><span class="&quot;blocknumber&quot;">Y</span>Suscipit sem. Aliquam vulputate elit acquam tristique sit amet sceleris que eros euismod. Vestibulum dignissim accumsan.</p>

So, those round circles with "Y", "E" and "S" became simple words.

Do you think you can help me?!?

Kind Regards,
Joel Ribeiro
Hello JFLOID1981,
You have to make changes using Source Code panel in your editor, what editor are you using?

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team,

I used a different editors. I tried TinyMCE and JCE. What am I doing wrong?

Thank you for your assistance.

Kind Regards,
Joel Ribeiro
Hello JFLOID1981,
Try to not use any of these editors, try to put the source code only.

Regards, AS Team.

the menu position 1 is the same in the free version?
I did not visualize.
Yes, it is the same.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi there
I bought this template and now I wanna customize it and have some problem:
1- the word "welcome" in the Home page, how I can change it I couldn't find that
2- the google map in the contact page, how I can found that
Hello SUMAKH83,
What is your site url please, we will check it and let you know.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear Support

I installed this template using quickstart as suggested. But when I change some articles, the article's title get to far from the upper edge of the box, hence the article looks little bit uncommon.

Please visit my site on

See the 'Service' title and compare to the original distance
Looking forward for your support.

Thank you and best regards
It looks like you have published some empty custom html module in position 20, try to unpublish it and then check your pages.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Support,

I bought the multisite version of this template and installed the quickstart version on my Linux development server. Installation went well.

When entering the admin module it was announced that there was a new Joomla version ie. 3.2.2 Stable. So I installed it, since I was only testing the template.

On entering the public site however not all was presented as I had seen in your sample site. And on top of this I got this error:
"Notice: Undefined variable: tmpl_style in /var/www/jmla_qstart/templates/as002059/index.php on line 64"

I seems like I am having exactly the same error as reported by MYCELCIUS on 2013-12-21 on using the Free version. The answer of support on that same day was: "The issue was fixed, please download the latest version and replace index.php and component.php files, and thank you for the notice."

Is it possible that the paid multisite-version has not been fixed?
Or might the cause be elsewhere?

Thanks and regards,
Thank You for noticing about this issue, we have fixed it, the latest version you can download from your AS account and replace the following files:


Regards, AS Team.
Hi Support
my url is :
in 'Home" we have 'selcome' word, I don't know that where is this word located, I want to chenge it
this template have 2 map , one in the footer and another in contact us page, I don't know where is the map in the contact us page located because I want to change that.
thank you previously

Hello SUMAKH83,
'Welcome' is a page heading which can be changed/deleted in your Joomla admin panel -> Menus -> Main Menu -> Home -> Page Display panel.
Regarding the Google map, it looks like you have managed to find its location.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi support,

I downloaded the new multisite version of this template that you prepared for me and indeed it solves the 'Undefined variable tmpl_style' problem.

However, like I stated in my first ticket, I'm still not seeing exactly the same layout as on your sample site. To narrow it down, I compared all the pages and it seems that only the home page is not the same. All other pages look identical.

For convenience, I installed the quickstart version on a public internet domain on my company's server.

Please compare my version:
to yours:

I installed 4 other languages besides English, since we're building a multi-lingual site. I can provide you with the credentials (by e-mail) to login as an administrator if necessary.

Please help me get this resolved swiftly.

Thanks and regards,
Please try to disable Search Friendly URLs in Joomla admin panel -> Global configurations -> Site settings -> SEO settings.

Regards, AS Team.
Probably a very easy way to fix this but can't find it very fast.
I was able to change the orange color in the css code but there is also a light blue line beneath the slideshow that I can't find where to change this color. Can you help save me a lot of searching time?

Thank you!

The border color you can change in the ext.slider.css file in the following class:

#camera-slideshow {
border-bottom: 10px solid #99B5C9;
box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #666666;

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team,

Disabling Search Friendly URLs solved part of the problem.

When I click on the logo, I go to the homepage which is still without image and other stuff. However if I click on the word 'Welcome', it takes me to
this URL:
which looks exactly like your home page on

So now I have 2 questions:
- What is still missing with the solution you suggested?
- Why does your demo seems to work correctly with Search Friendly URLs enabled.

Maybe we'd better continue this discussion by e-mail since this is taking longer than I had hoped for.

Thanks in advance and kind regards,
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