Joomla! Template 002060 - Item Support

In the "domain name" field you will put your website url after you will purchase your domain name.

Regards, AS Team.

I need a button to switch from mobile version to full.
Hello RESENS13,
Sorry, the template does not have such option.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, I've recently used the free template with no problems, however all of a sudden the website's front end shows a 404 error message. (I'm not sure if the problem is on my host server side). The back end (administrator) is still accessible, and my home menu is pointing to a published article, however the error message is still there. I can access the front end by setting the website to offline mode (admin - global configuration) and logging in with my admin details. What is the cause of the problem?
Guten Tag,
ich wollte das obere Bild mit der Blume ändern, aber diese Option finde ich nicht, können Sie mir sagen, wo ich das finde?
Hello SPIDERS001,

Can you please provide us with page URL, as well more information.

Regards, AS Team.
When I want to change the link for google map (subject contact us) I changed this link in


After uploading this file, still the "Toronto" address is showing.

What else do I have to do?

You can edit it in Extensions -> Plugins -> Google Maps -> Location settings.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, This template has an issue with pagination of products. It doesn't work. Please look at to the page .. and try to select category, click to the next page and then try to click to all products etc .. Could you let me know how may I fix it? I am not a programmer. Thanks for quick fix! Petr
On which we can see this issue? Can you please provide us with url?

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, of course,
please go to the page You can see that I have there two categories. "Dorty" and "Dezerty".

When you see category "Show All" you can see that it is there more than 20 products so the pagination appeared.

1. pagination - click to the page number 2
2. category "Dorty" disappeared and link "Show all" doesn't work
That's not correct behavior.

I can not use a categories when wbe page start to use pagination. That's a huge problem for me, because I bought this template hoping that this functionality will work. You have same issue on the demo page as well .. How I know it? I tried clean installation and it is same.

Thanks for help!

The second page does not show the first category because it does not have any items from the first category, as well the 'Show All' link is not working because the second page has items from one category only. The category filter works depends on the items published on the selected page.

Regards, AS Team.

understand, but these conditions doesn't make sense. If a customer wants to see only "Dezerty" then is it impossible. If customer used some filter and wants to go back to all products .. impossible. Try to think how customer will use this page.

When a customer will use a filter then he will automatically lost any idea how to show all products of this web

Sad :-(

The gallery designed to show the nice images moving effect, in case of pagination, especially when you have one category only, your website is losing it and your page looks like regular page. Our suggestion is to put all items on one page.

Regards, AS Team.
thanks for suggestion. I will do that. Have a nice day and thak you for help.

The "AS Artslider" and the "AS menu" works on some pages no longer?
see here is ok:
on the other side it does not work? ,
someone please help me can?
Have you installed and published some extensions/plugins on the pages where the slider is not working?
Please be sure the slider parameters on the home page are the same like on other pages.

Regards, AS Team.

after adding my information to the kontakt page, the general slider no longer appears on this page. It however still works fine for the other menu items. What could the problem be?
For checking this issue we need an access to your Joomla admin panel, the access info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
What are the costs of the template after 1 year (Expiration Date)?

It will be extended by one year?

Kind regards,

Marjon Verhoeven
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Item Name:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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