Joomla! Template 002060 - Item Support


thanks for your fast reply. I added the information in the account area.

Thanks and best regards
Hello NASHIRA77,
The google map plugin you have to config using its parameters in your Joomla admin panel -> Extensions -> Plugins -> Google Map.
We fixed it for you.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you so much for your fast support!!!
I still have the problem with the modules on pos6 on home, if you look at out page, you will see that the second picture is a little bit smaller than the others. The pictures are all the same size and I tried to compare all options, but I do not find any difference. Can you help me?
For the second image the Intro image floating is set to Left, you have to set it to None like for all other images.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks a lot, you are doing a great job. Glad to be here at astemplates.

Regards, Kerstin
Beste AS Templates,

Tot mijn verbijstering is de contact pagina verdwenen.
Ik heb niets gewijzigd. Kunnen jullie mij vertellen wat er aan de hand is?

Grt Marjon Verhoeven
We are sorry, your license for our free support is expired, you may extend it from your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Vreemd ik heb een probleem met een template die na 1 jaar gebreken geeft moet ik het verlengen. Dit is toch iets wat onder garantie valt????
Ik heb meerdere templates bij jullie gekocht en nergens geen problemen mee. Plots verdwijnt er iets en dan moet ik het verlengen???
Sorry, we do not know what happened with your website, we think you or your hosting company performed some updates, this issue should be investigated.

Regards, AS Team.
Het werkte perfect. En het heeft niets met de hosting company te maken. Waneer ik er een afbeelding in zet werkt het wel maar hij laat de adres gegevens niet zien op de website. Ik ben ten einde raad.
De template die ik in het verleden gedownload heb, heb ik op een test URL geplaatst maar doet helemaal niets meer.
Hello support, what's the right dimension of images to put into main image slider?
Thank you,
The image size in the slider is 1750x500

Regards, AS Team.
I installed the template, but missed the sample data. How do I install the sample data now.

My problem is:

I installed the quick start, and If i click one of the four home articles as newsflash (ex:SKIN CARE), the AS ArtSlider Home will be shown in the top and then SKIN CARE article.So the how to hide AS ArtSlider Home?

We are sorry, we do not see this item under your account, our support is available for the premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
Have a real problem in trying to update Joomla to v 3.8.5 from current versions - 3.6.5. I have tried to update Joomla for the past few version but, each time, I lose the web site and the Joomla Admin screens. I have renewed my licence for this site and now need to know the process for updating the Template. I'm hoping then that I will be able to update Joomla to v 3.8.5. The error I got immediately after the Joomla Update is - JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Duplicate column name 'params' Files Update: SQL error file DB function failed with error number 1060 Duplicate column name 'params' SQL = alter table '#_FILEDS_GROUPS' ADD COLUMN 'params' TEXT NOT NULL AFTER 'ordering'; Advice to sort this please...?
Regards Ian
Just released an update for the template, it is fully compatible with the latest Joomla version 3.8.5, the release log you can preview here:

The template should be updated by replacing changed files only.
We think you have a problem with your Joomla installation or some extensions.

If you interested you may ask our team to check your Joomla installation here:

Regards, AS Team.
I want to buy the premium version of the beauty-salon-template,

If the free year for free updates is over, how much is the price for the updates or are there more costs?

Is it possible to get a demoversion of the beauty-salon-template?

Is ist compatible with "com_flexicontactplus" or you have a special contactform included

Is ist compatible with jce-editor?

...if I buy the 98 items from The AS Designing Template Club, are this templates with demoversion?

...sorry, my english sometimes is flawed....

best regards
Helga Hansel

Thank you for interesting in our items.

1. You will receive 25% discount for receiving our support and the template updates.

2. The demo version is included in the premium version, it is not available for the free version.

3. Sorry, the template wasn't tested with "com_flexicontactplus" contact form.

4. Yes, it is compatible with JCE Editor.

5. All our premium templates come with demo version.

Regards, AS Team.
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Item Name:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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