Joomla! Template 002061 - Item Support

What home style are you going to change? Have you installed this template using quick-start instillation package?

Regards, AS Team.
Hi ASTeam,

Thanks heaps for the helpful reply. The slider bar is on your demo page aswell- look in the top left corner of the google map on the contacts page. I have sorted out the home style to be home style 2 and i have used the quick start installation so thats ok now.

We found the problem, please add the following class in the style.custom.css file, it should resolve the problem.

.contact_map img
max-width: none !important;

Regards, AS Team.
Hi ASTeam,

I am trying to install the extension EasyBlog however when I install I get the error '504 gateway timeout. nginx', i have talked to the easyblog creators and they say it should work, the hosting manager is looking into it but i want to know if there is anything in the template or the default setup files from asteam that affects this install of easyblog and whether there is anything i need to adjust? I saw a previous comment of someone who managed to install easyblog but I get to the install, it takes about 1.5 minutes and then gets that error.

No, it is not related to our template, we think it is your server configuration, please check what we found:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi ASTeam,
Thanks for the help with the map, worked a charm.
I am chasing up that information regarding the server with my provider.
I am having trouble removing the 'our staff' section within the 'about' menu. I want to keep the 'about us' and 'fair prices' sections but remove the middle, is that possible?
I am also trying to modify the 'projects' - i want to remove black hover over description, i only want to show images and be able to click on them to enlarge, i don't want the description or the link to move information on the project, is this possible?
Thanks for all your help i really appreciate the support.
The 'Our Stuff' title you can remove by editing the menu item page, the Page heading parameter you can fing under Page Display tab.
Regarding 'project' images, sorry, there is no such option it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi ASteam,

You misunderstood my last question. I don't want to change the title, i want to remove the entire section 'our staff' from that page so that there is only the 'about us' article and the 'fair prices' article. How can i do this?
Also where can i change the description that comes up in the black box when i hover over the images in the 'projects' section? I can see the images in the media manager and i can find the articles and menu items for each but i cannot see the description in that to change.
You have to change the menu item type, currently the menu item type for this page is a 'Category Blog', you may change it to 'Single Article' for example or any other.
The description comes from an article intro text, all these articles you can find under 'masonri slider' category in Content Article Manager.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi ASTeam,
Thanks heaps for the response.

I have changed the menu item for 'history' to 'about us' and made it a single article, a blank article and tried others aswell but each time when i make the site live and go to that menu ('about us') I can no longer see the drop down which contains the other menu items like 'faq's or 'team'. Why would this happen? It is also the case for my 'blog' menu which i changed to include an extension for a blog component. When i go to that page i can no longer get the drop down for the other menu items.

Hi ASTeam,

I should also add to my last comment in case it wasn't clear that when the global configuration in the backend is set to not display the site and a login is required to view the frontend of the site everything works fine, it is only when the site is live that i have this menu issue!

Hi ASTeam,

I am still working on the issue and have found the errors
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'opera' of undefined jquery.isotope.min.js:11
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'msie' of undefined

I can only see this error in the menu items that don't show the drop down with the other menu items. Is this related?

I hope i am not too much of a pain, i do sincerely apologize for all the questions.

What is your site url please?

Regards, AS Team.

I renamed the menu to Us Fail so its clear that is the one not working.

This one and the 'blog' are not working and they are the only menu items that have been changed.

Once you have had a look could you please remove the link to my website.

Hi ASTeam,

I recieved response from the blog developers who have said
"I have checked your site and it seems like the issue happened to guest user only while the registered user can use this dropdown menu without problem. It seems like this menu is come from /modules/mod_as_menu/js/script.js which gives: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'serial' of undefined."

This component is built in the template right? It only exists when i change the menu item to another type to include the blog extension or to use the 'us fail' menu item and only when in the front end with no login used.

I hope this extra information helps find a solution.

Kind Regards,
We need an access to your Joomla admin panel for checking this issue, the info please put in the Special info area under your purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi ASTeam,

I have put access information in the special info area as requested.

Please remove the link to my website from my previous post when you have checked it.

Kind Regards,
We checked your site, it doesn't work when you are using some Blank component which probably is the reason of java script conflict, our suggestion is to replace it with a Featured menu item type with 0 (zero) articles, columns and links, we did these changes for you, everything is working just fine.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi ASTeam,

In the meantime i have been working on speeding up the page load times and increasing page speed and yslow scores and have come across the need to specify image dimensions to:

http://'mydomain'/images/sampledata/asimage/blank.gif (Dimensions: 1 x 1) (8 uses)
http://'mydomain'/images/sampledata/asimage/featured/installation.png (Dimensions: 84 x 84)
http://'mydomain'/images/sampledata/asimage/featured/maintaining.png (Dimensions: 84 x 84)
http://'mydomain'/images/sampledata/asimage/featured/planning.png (Dimensions: 84 x 84)
http://'mydomain'/images/sampledata/asimage/featured/repairs.png (Dimensions: 84 x 84)
http://'mydomain'/templates/as002061/images/logo.png (Dimensions: 400 x 74)

Where can i set image dimension for these? Will this affect other settings like bootstrap or mobile device ability?

I notice that image slider 3 and the logo are currently serving scaled images and wondered if they would be affected.

Thanks so much for all of your patience and support!

Kind Regards,
The dimensions you can change using image editor like PhotoShop.

Regards, AS Team.
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