Joomla! Template 002061 - Item Support

Hello AS Templates,
i like the Tamplate, but i will change the picture.
Can i Change the picture so, ?

Or can u this program?

Greetz from Germany
Hello MICHA123,
We are sorry, this template doesn't have such option, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi As Tamplates,

please say me a price ;)

Hello MICHA123,
We are sorry, our support team is not able to provide you with such info, please use the following page for our development services:

Regards, AS Team.

I have put the username, password and site link in the appropriate section on here.

If I disable the newsletter module and then try going to any page on the web site, a plain white page is displayed and therefore the site is unusable.

Kind regards


p.s. I am still not receiving e-mail notifications when you reply.
There was a problem with Gavick news module, directory separator was not defined, we have fixed it by adding the following line in the index.php file:

if(!defined('DS')) define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);

Regards, AS Team.

I am trying to create a new article which is linked to an article in the masony_slider category.

From the Hone Page slider my link is


It gets me to article I want but when I want to take a new link in this article

instead of getting the link to the article I get this..


I wold have thought it would be


How can I correct this please? Once I get the gist of it then I will be fine for the rest.

We are sorry, it is not depends on the template, the url comes from Joomla, try to ask for help on Joomla forum:

Regards, AS Team.
The problem is related to the 'Our Newsletters' Acymailing module. If I disable the module or change it's module position or change its 'Start Publishing' date, the site fails to load.
Just checked your site, everything works fine, if we missed something please let us know.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks.. will try them...
I have just installed Easyblog from Stackideas and all is fine except the AddMedia button is not active and will not work They have checked it out and advise it is caused by the template. It works fin ein the backend and it works fine in other templates but not with AS002061 template. Can you give me alead on what to do to fix it. This is virtually the last of this project
We think you do not have a css for your button, you have to create it by yourself or ask for our services:

Sorry, we are hot able to provide support to third-party extensions.

Regards, AS Team.

I am having a lot of trouble trying to do this as I have mentioned in previous comments.

The reason I am back here is because I can't get a helpful answer in the joomla forum so far.

I also cannot find the gallery extension to try and understand what is happening with its linking.

I wish to link each image on the maisonry_slider to a new article and then link that article to other articles. I know how to do this in normal circumstances but this gallery has got me beat.

I have created new articles but cannot see where I am to place the links to the new article from the maisonry_slider.

Can you please help as I have spent hours trying to resolve what surely should have been quite simple.

This option should be checked by our developers, our support team is not able to help you in this case, you have to ask for our services:

Regards, AS Team.

I am having a problem with the template.

When I put an image in the module position 4, the alignment goes funny. I have a screenshot of the error here:

When I put the telephone numbers in, as an image, the whole area gets taller and the numbers are not vertically central to the logo.

Can this be fixed please?

Also, I am still not receiving notifications when you reply to a message on here so would you mind e-mailing me when you respond? Many thanks.
In case to help you with must to see your site.

Regards, AS Team.
What Extension does the photo gallery on the demo of the front page of this template? Is it not available in the free template?

Can you please let me know asap.
We are sorry, this extension is available in premium version only.

Regards, AS Team.
I like your template. I'm using the free version. How can I realize the pictures in the head of the frontpage? Only possible in commercialversion? Which module you are using?

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