Yes, if you would like it to be open in single page you have to create a menu item for each of your article, as example please see Our Gallery menu.
having trouble with quickstart installation on a template I just purchased. Is the wquickstart properly working on this templates and is it for joomla 3? thanks.
I configured this template on : http://carmenfedeles.ro/sitenou , I want to move on http://carmenstil.ro , but the menu color has changed. Can you help with this? Best regards.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2014-10-23
Just checked your site, it is exact like on our demo preview. Have you managed to resolve this problem?
I just redirrected carmenstil.ro to carmenfedeles.ro . I don't figured out how can I configure new page with that stile at the menu. If you can tell me, please do it. Thanks. Best regards.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2014-10-24
Sorry, not quite understand your question, please provide us with more info.
There are can be few reasons:
1. The server where is your site located is too slow.
2. You have too much JavaScript on your home page, try to disable one by one all installed extensions/plugins/components
3. Try to optimize images size
Thanks for the assist. The problem started after the site was moved to a larger server to accommodate the space for other hosted sites as well.
If that was a major draw back please let me know, as I had to config .htaccess, cache and the configuration.php. I'll look into the other provided possibles.
Thank you.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2014-10-29
We are sorry, it is not related to the template, you have to check all the cases from our previous post.
I'm having diffrent problems. Hope smaler ones.
The menü is sitting not in line with the logo I'm using pos1. Trying to fix that in the css directly but couldnt find the right value.
Phoca Gallery couldnt be installed cause I would need to correct the upload size in an php file. Dont know if this is correct or something with my Joomla is wrong?
Is there a way to get exactly the settings like on your demo page? Would be awesome. With this base I could work on.
Best Regards
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Yes, if you would like it to be open in single page you have to create a menu item for each of your article, as example please see Our Gallery menu.
Regards, AS Team.
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Can you please provide us with more info? The quick-start package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, for more info please see the template documentation: http://www.astemplates.com/joomla-template-documentation/226-002062
Regards, AS Team.
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$font_arr['fontlink'] = "<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Tangerine:700&subset=latin,cyrillic,greek' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>";
$font_arr['fontfamily'] = "font-family: 'adventure_5.woff', Arial, serif !important; font-weight: 700;";
The template doesn't have a parameter to add custom fonts, you have to add them by your self or you can ask for our services.
Regards, AS Team.
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Yes, you can do it by creating your own css classes, these classes you have to put in the style.custom.css file.
Regards, AS Team.
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I configured this template on : http://carmenfedeles.ro/sitenou , I want to move on http://carmenstil.ro , but the menu color has changed. Can you help with this? Best regards.
Just checked your site, it is exact like on our demo preview. Have you managed to resolve this problem?
Regards, AS Team.
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Sorry, not quite understand your question, please provide us with more info.
Regards, AS Team.
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Pages come up with scrambled content and images, after a few second and after the pages load completely everything goes back into place.
What is your site url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package?
Regards, AS Team.
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We are sorry, your site is password protected.
Regards, AS Team.
View History
There are can be few reasons:
1. The server where is your site located is too slow.
2. You have too much JavaScript on your home page, try to disable one by one all installed extensions/plugins/components
3. Try to optimize images size
Regards, AS Team.
View History
If that was a major draw back please let me know, as I had to config .htaccess, cache and the configuration.php. I'll look into the other provided possibles.
Thank you.
We are sorry, it is not related to the template, you have to check all the cases from our previous post.
Regards, AS Team.
View History
I'm having diffrent problems. Hope smaler ones.
The menü is sitting not in line with the logo I'm using pos1. Trying to fix that in the css directly but couldnt find the right value.
Phoca Gallery couldnt be installed cause I would need to correct the upload size in an php file. Dont know if this is correct or something with my Joomla is wrong?
Is there a way to get exactly the settings like on your demo page? Would be awesome. With this base I could work on.
Best Regards