Joomla! Template 002062 - Item Support

Hi, I bought this template, but then publishing module it's showing html tags < class="moduletable navigation ">< class="module_title ">My module title

How to solve this?
Have you installed this template using quick-start installation package?
What Joomla version do you have and what is your site url please?

Regards, AS Team.
I bought the template a while back and after having the template almost fully setup my home slider (home2) is not showing the images anymore?

where could i start looking for the problem? It was working fine up to a point but it has stopped working now, I believe re installing the template would fix this but then I need to re do every change I made which will set me back quite a few days.

Thanks in advance
Please check the following:
1. probably you have deleted slider images from 'imagessampledataasimageslider' folder;
2. or maybe you deleted articles under slider category in your joomla admin panel;
3. or you have deleted 'Slider' category;
4. you changed the category name in the AS Art Slider module.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, I don't think that there is a problem with proforms plugin
This form is running without any problems under 3 different templates.


I am going to install joomla. But as you wrote under


Most important on this page is Sample Data Installation. Without installing the sample data you will not have your site looks like our demo preview. You have to click on the 'Sample Data Template' radio button in case to install the demo package content."

I get no option "Sample Data Template" when I install joomla. I don't have the opportunity to choose a template. I only can choose the different examples that are given.

What do I have to do?

Best regards
In case to have the sample data you must to install the template using the quick-start installation package, please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.

I installed just template, because i earlier installed and configured VM, so installing quick start and do all the configuration again is not in option.

I'm using Joomla 2.5.18 version. My site url: (please note that it's still under construction so i will leave it online just for 24h. that u could check on it).
This template is not compatible with Joomla 2.5, please see the item details page for more info.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks! I got it already a few hours later yesterday. Thank you for the quick response ;)

Best regards
Hello AS,
we just installed the template 002062 (no quickstart!) and now we only get
TPL_FIELDSET_GENERAL, TPL_FIELDSET_HEADER and so on in the template admin-view. Also all subitems in the template-customzing-area look like that.
By installing the extension "mod_articles_news_adv" we get the message ".../language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_articles_news_adv.ini" doesn´t exist. Same with other extensions....
Any idea?
Regards, pk-office
1. We think, by some reason, en-GB.tpl_as002062.ini and en-GB.tpl_as002062.sys.ini files were not copied or corrupted during the installation, please take these files from the template language folder and copy in ''language/en-GB'' on your server.
2. Thank You for noticing about this issue, the issue was resolved, please download the latest version from your AS account and reinstall this extension.

Regards, AS Team.
Hey AS,
my qickstart installation doesn't work.
If I choose the option "Sample Data Template" the installation always breaks up while it installs the sample data.
Please help me!
e think your server works too slow, in the php.ini file please find the following parameter and change it from 30 to 300:

max_execution_time = 30

Regards, AS Team.
Hi once more,

in the meantime I was able to install the template by using the quickstart.
so far so good....

But I still have a question:
I copied an existing article from category home_gallery (article modern) to a new one (save as function). The new article will be displayed at the start page. That's ok. But after clicking on the read-more link of the new article the start page will be displayed once more and at the bottom the new article will be displayed.
But if I click on the original "modern" article only the content of this article will be displayed and not the whole start page.

What did I wrong?

You have to create a menu item for your new article.

Regards, AS Team.
Dear AS,
how do I add the pictures at home that are linking to a article.I know that I have to use the module 'articles_news' and I already created the categories and articles but I don't have a clue where I have to put the pictures in.
Our suggestion is install the template using quick-start installation package, after installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview and it will be easy for you to make changes and preview all settings and parameters.

Regards, AS Team.

i bought yesterday this template, but if i try to install the "quickstart file" in my joomla backend, .... i got the information:

JInstaller: :Install: Die Joomla!-XML-Installationsdatei konnte nicht gefunden werden. (the xml installation file could not be found...)

thanks in advance, Gernot
The quick-start package you can't install on the existing Joomla via Extension Manager, because the quick-start package already contains Joomla and it should be installed like regular Joomla installation, please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 3 Product
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